A Second Chance PT 2

Start from the beginning

“Well, I’ll catch you around then” Feeling your palms beginning to sweat you nervously wipe them on your jeans before turning around to grab more bags from the shopping cart.
“Put that down” You turn around expecting him to be standing by the lobby doors but instead he's standing a few feet away towering over you like usual.

“I'm sorry?”

“Put the bags back in the cart” You give him a confusing look before you do as he says. You watch as he steps around you walking over to the shopping cart. He grabs onto the handle and holds it up behind his back and he then begins walking up the stairs. Wow that's…. he's strong.

“Oh you don't have to-”

“You shouldn't be doing this when you're pregnant” You follow behind him up the stairs as you place a gentle hand on your stomach.

“I know but I don't have anyone…. it's just me and my little one”  He turns to look at you over his shoulder.

“No one?” You give him a nod and he turns his head forward.

“Yeah, no one” Your voice comes out way smaller than you'd like. Finally reaching the 3rd floor you watch as he pushes the shopping cart to your door.

“Oh, you remembered?” He straightens his back and somehow he grows even taller. Stopping in front of the door he looks at you expectedly.

“Open the door”  You give him a nod before opening the door. It's already unlocked since you already put the bags that you carried inside. Holding the door open for him he pushes the shopping cart inside. Once he's finally inside his head turns to look at the bags you already brought in. He then turns and stares at you for a moment before taking the bags out of the shopping cart and putting them on the counter.

Walking over to the bags that are on the floor you grab 2 and make your way over to the kitchen counter. You place them down and walk back over to get the rest.

“Can you just stay still?” You turn around to face him and his arms are crossed over his chest.


“Just stop moving your-” He lets out a deep sigh before he continues. “I'll get it” You watch as he walks over to get the rest of the bags from off the floor. As he gets them you walk over and begin to unload those already on the counter placing them where they belong. The only sounds that can be heard are the ruffling of the plastic bags and the opening and closing of the fridge door.

“Hey, bossman, they unfortunately need you out there” Your head snaps in his direction and you watch the little woman hologram talk to Spider-Man. It's the same woman who did your scan yesterday. You begin to walk over to her to give her your thanks but she turns around to face you.

“Oh look bossman it's the pretty lady again. How are you feeling hun?” You find yourself smiling at the little woman.

“I'm feeling okay. I wanted to thank you for yesterday. We're both doing better” You gently rub your stomach as a smile emits on your face.

“Well I'm glad but…” She pauses and looks between you and Spider-Man. “I'm a little concerned…you know the longer you hang out with this grump the more grumpier you will become” You put a hand over your mouth to muffle your laugh but it barely does a thing. You steal a glance at Spiderman and his eyes narrow, you immediately clear your throat biting your lip to prevent yourself from laughing even more.

“No I'm telling you he's very grumpy, it's like talking to a teenager-” Spiderman presses something on his watch and the little woman disappears.

You give him an incredulous look. “Hey, she was talking” He turns around and begins to walk towards your window. You follow close behind as he opens it, steps through, and crouches. You stare at his back which flexes with each move he makes.

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