Aguni x F!Reader

409 6 4

Genre: Angst, no comfort

"Aguni, why are you even taking care of me in the first place?"

Morizono Aguni, who was busy tending to the campfire, turned to look at Akane Heiya, who was sitting by the mouth of her tent, a blanket wrapped around herself.

"How could I not? You stuck to me like a leech the moment we crossed paths." He says jokingly, yet his serious face didn't give that away.

"Besides, it's my job. Well, it used to be. Didn't I tell you I used to work for the Special Defense Force before this place?" He added.

Heiya got up from her spot, sitting on the log next to him.

"That's cool, being in the Special Defense Force. You must have saved so many lives, no?"

"Like I said, it's my job."

"Do you love your job?"

"It's late, go to bed."

"Are you avoiding my question? Yah Aguni, answer me while I'm being nice."

He gave her a cold stare, and she raised her hands in surrender. "Okayy Mr. Main Character with the Personal Problems, i'll go" she said and pat his shoulder.


The next morning he woke up to hear screaming. He jumped out of his tent to see Heiya not that far off, stabbing a bear in the leg with her arrow, trying to keep it off her. Aguni tackled the bear down, shooting it in the head with his gun, pushing it off her.

"Thank goodn-"

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Aguni yelled, gripping her shoulders. "I told you not to go hunting without me, you could've gotten killed, do you realize that?!"

"I just wanted to do something for you after everything you've done for me, and you seriously yell at me? Gosh, men and their issues." Heiya shoves him off her, trudging back to the tents, going into hers and zipping it shut.


"Heiya, i'm sorry, let's talk." Aguni stood outside her tent. Her flap opened, and she peered out. 

"I'm still mad at you."

"I know. To ask for your forgiveness.. I cooked some barbecue, and I'll answer your question from yesterday."

They sat by the lake, he waited a few moments before speaking.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you, you scared me. I thought I would lose you."

"Gosh, Aguni, am I that important?" She teased.

"Yes. In a way..I'm protecting you after I learned my lesson when I couldn't protect her."


"You asked me if I loved my job, right?"

(A week before the borderlands)

"You'll stay here, okay Y/N? I'll come home after my duties." Aguni pat the younger girl's head.

"Nisan (older brother), why didn't you just continue your work at Kyota? Why do we have to go here, in Shibuya? Wasn't the former place where you were stationed good enough?" She sighed.

"Y/N, I know you aren't used to moving. But I have to do this, for both of us. After the accident, you're the only family I have left, and I'm the only family you have left. So please bare with me for now, hm?" Aguni hugged her tight. "I'll be home after my shift."

"Okay..I trust you"

Aguni was rarely home. He was always at base, working out to get tougher, and always training hard. He loved his job.

But sometimes, he loved it a little too much.

"Y/N, I told you I have training. What can you not understand?" He snaps

"You're always training! You're rarely home. During the weekends I see your friends going home. Can't you even come see me atleast once? I'm your sister-"

"Yeah well sometimes I wish I didn't have a sister. You're becoming a burden to me, Y/N. I can't focus on my training because of you."

"Can't focus? All you focus on is your job, Nisan! You don't even come home anymore, it's like you don't even care about me. I wish we stayed in Kyoto. You always went home after training because your military base didn't have any dormitories."

"Yeah? Well I wish you stayed there. You're 18, Y/N, grow up. You're old enough, so stop acting like I have to treat you like a kid."

"Wow. You know, I always thought of you as a brother, but also my Dad. After Dad died, it's like his soul lives in you. But seeing the way you act now..I doubt his soul is in that emoty heart of yours."


It was 4 in the morning when Aguni and his comrades were woken up. There was a shooting, and since their base was near the area they had to help.

"What area is it?"

"District 1" (idk the places in japan so bare with me guys)

Aguni froze.

District 1? Isn't that where he and his sister stayed?

Aguni felt anxiety and worry, imagining the worst case scenarios.

He didn't think his imagination would become a reality.

He burst through their apartment door, seeing Y/N lying in a pool of her own blood. She still had a pocket knife in her hand, as if she tried to fight off the shooter. She was pale, and her eyes were still open.

Aguni's heart dropped, and he found it hard to breath.

Her eyes looked so lifeless.

He looked to her side and saw a photo frame near her hand, and turned it over to see it was a picture of him and her at Kyoto the day before they went to Tokyo.

Aguni placed her head on his lap, ajd he caressed her hair, shutting her eyes for her-a tear falling from it.

"You know, I always thought of you as a brother, but also my Dad."

Aguni cursed under his breath, tears spillung from his eyes as he hugged her limp figure, not even caring that he was stained in her blood.

He should have been there for her. Aguni realized he was so focused on his job and he loved it too much that he forgot his other priorities.


"I love my job..but I also hate it. What worth is my job if I can't even save the one I love?" Aguni finished, sighing.

"You know Heiya, I see her in you. You both are so adventurous and so caring. Not afraid to speak your minds either."

Heiya pat his shoulder confortingly. "That's sweet of you Aguni. Hopefully you'll meet her again."

"In another life..I hope she's still my sister." He muttered.

["I think of you all the time,
now that you're gone"

"I've been doing all kinds of drugs,
to get you out of my mind."]

- Someday I'll Get It by Alek Olsen

Note from author: yep, rushed again :,) i hope you liked it, i'm on writer's block rn so i don't have any plots in mind, so pls suggest some if you have any. Kinda busy with school rn so I aib oneshots might be inactive for a while.

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