(Arisu x F!Y/N) 13 Reasons Why

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Genre: Angst with comfort
Romantic, long one-shot
In which Arisu goes into a fight with his dad and thinks he lacks loving you
A/N: I write angst with comfort once in a blue moon so you're in luck 

["I don't know what I'm supposed to do
Haunted by the ghost of you
Take me back to the night we met"]

You and Ryohei were one healthy couple. You both always talked about your problems, and whenever there was fights you both dealt with it in a mature way. You both made sure each other's feelings were shared and that both ends would apologize- disregarding who was wrong and who was right, but also making sure that the mistake was never repeated again. Both never tried to run away from a problem and always faced it together.

Then one day Arisu Ryohei thought it was a good idea to try running.

Y/N found it strange when Arisu wasn't at their morning spot by the park to eat french toast together and feed the ducks, and found it even weirder when Karube and Chota went to her in the afternoon asking if Arisu had gone to pay her a visit.

"Why are you asking me? I haven't seen him all day so I assumed he was with you both." She replied, standing by the doorway of her home giving both men glances of confusion. "We came to ask because he said he'd go to the arcade with us around 11 am but he didn't turn up." Karube replied. "Maybe something came up at home? You know how Arisu is, if he gets into an argument with his Dad he'd most likely lock himself up and play games all day." Chota wondered.

Y/N remembered that she and Arisu were on call the night before and when Arisu went to the toilet she could hear yelling.

"I think he did fight with his Dad, come on"


"You should go." Was the first thing Arisu said to them the second he opened the door to see their worried expressions. His face was void of emotion but the trio could see the redness in his eyes and the slight tremble of his lower lip as he spoke, his knuckles turning white from how tight he gripped the doorknob.


"No. I don't want to hear it, please just go home. I don't want to talk to any of you right now." He cut Chota off, and Y/N stepped forward with a stern look on her face. The stern look faded instantly though once his next statement was directed at her.

"Let's break up, Y/N."

"Are you serious right now?" She whispered as she searched his eyes. His jaw tightened as he sighed in exasperation, maybe even a hint of desperation.

"It's for the best. Please go." He spoke in a strained voice as he shut the door in their faces.

The three hoped he would open the door and apologize and say it was a joke, they wanted to hear him laugh and mock them while gesturing at them- 'you should have seen the look on your faces, it was priceless!'. 

No matter how long they waited though, he never did.


Roughly a week had passed, but for Y/N it felt like eternity. She still couldn't believe that Arisu gave up on the both of them just like that. She wanted to get angry at him, she wanted to scream at him and ask him if she did anything wrong. She wanted to say how it was so unfair of him to leave her just like that, because of some silly little argument that hurt the little boy inside of him.

But she knew it was selfish of her. She wouldn't know how it felt, her life wasn't in shambles like his. Yes she did have her own issues but him?

Arisu Ryohei. 24 years old and still living with his Dad and playing video games all day, when he should be working and earning his own money. Arisu Ryohei, a man who was never able to live up to his father's expectations of becoming something in life, like older brother dearest. Arisu Ryohei, a man who couldn't hold his life together without Y/N, Karube and Chota.

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