Chishiya x GN!Reader

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Genre: Angst (TW: Death, mentions of being stabbed by a glass shard, possibly rushed oneshot)
In which Chishiya makes it out of the borderlands and remembers everything, including losing you.

["Lights are on
But nobody's home"]

"Game complete"

The last thing Chishiya remembered was laying slouched against a car holding his bleeding side, then fireworks, then nothing.

The next thing he hears after being completely knocked out is the beeping of what he knows is a heart monitor. He opens his eyes slowly to see a doctor standing beside someone he couldn't make out yet, since his eyesight was adjusting to the lights; and he could slowly hear the doctors voice increase to more than just something muffled.

"..for a minute your heart stopped, as well as the person beside you. It's a miracle you're alive, you both were in the border between life and death."

Border. Life and death.

Chishiya's head turned to the side after the doctor left, coming face to face with a male with long black hair up to his shoulders. His eyebrows knit together in confusion. He felt like he knew who this was, but couldn't put a finger to it.

"Seriously? Out of all people, I have to be next to you?" The male mumbled, and Chishiya instantly recognized the sharp tone.


"Yeah, who else? Did you want it to be Y/N?"


Chishiya stared at the ceiling. Y/N? Who was that? Why did he feel a tug at his heart, hearing their name?

"That look on your face tells me you don't remember who they are." Niragi spoke up again, and Chishiya turned to him.

"You know, you guys were incredibly soppy. After that King of Spades game, you wouldn't let go of them, begging them to hold on because it was almost over. I never imagined you'd be capable to cry over someone" Niragi snickers

Then it hits Chishiya.

They were in the borderlands fighting the King of Spades, and Y/N had helped Arisu lead the King to the pharmacy, where they blew him up. He also remembered seeing Y/N tumble into the gravel, a glass shard protruding from their chest. He remembered holding them close, begging them to hold on a little while longer, because everything was going to be just fine.

He sat up suddenly, ripping the IV cords off himself and heading out ignoring Niragi's protests. He quickly walked down the hall, searching for the main desk.

He needed to see them, to make sure they made it.

"Excuse me, was there a patient named Y/N L/N here?" He asks urgently, and the nurse goes through the file. "Room 603-" Chishiya interrupted with a quick 'thank you' before hurrying off, not wanting to waste a single second.

Room 600, Room 601, Room 602-

"Y/N!" He burst into the room only to freeze in the doorway to see Kuina holding into their pale hand, tears in her eyes. He gave her a questioning look, and she shook her head slowly.


"Chishiya.. they got them here safely, but they lost a lot of blood due to the glass in their chest. They were able to last through the week, but they were too weak today." She explained

Please no.

He went up to them, holding their hand. It felt cold and limp against his skin, and he held their hand to his cheek as he gazed at their peaceful figure.

One whole week. They were here one whole week, and he missed it.


He got discharged and headed home seeing his lights were still on exactly how he'd left it during the borderlands. He remembered taking Y/N here, how they'd hugged out the possible last few minutes of the games away. How they'd finally confessed their love for one another, after so long.

"Chishiya, what if I told you I loved you?" He glanced at Y/N, caressing their cheek, a small smile on his face. "What if I told you I felt the same?"

He wished he could've told them a little earlier, if only he hadn't wasted precious time secretly admiring Y/N. 

If he did, would they be together? Would Y/N still be on the couch lazing with a book and hot cocoa, greeting Chishiya with a hug and a 'welcome back'?

Chishiya was home but it felt empty.

Empty, because they were no longer there.

Alice in Borderland (ONESHOTS)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt