Chishiya x Reader

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Genre: Romance

No, he would never fall in love.

Love. The word rolled off his tongue as a joke, a fantasy- nothing more. Besides, he was in the borderlands; and he didn't want to be focused on something that would distract him. He knew with all his heart that he would never be bothered by such foolish feelings. 

Then you came

The moment you got to the beach, you were nothing but sunshine. Heck- even Niragi of all people wouldn't dare touch you without your consent. It seemed that you were soon the beach favorite.

But with all the people glancing your way, the one you chose was the one that possibly didn't even care.

"I'm new here, and my name's Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you."

Chishiya, who was peering down at everybody from the second floor, glanced up at you.

On instinct, his first reaction would be to tell you to leave and he wasn't interested in frienshi-

"Chishiya Shuntaro, same to you"

He caught himself off guard. 

What the heck was that? Did he just pay attention to you?

He doesn't know what made him talk to you when he knew that he genuinely didn't care about anybody. So what made him do so?

Was it the way your hair would be slightly unkempt as you walked to the cafeteria at lunch, showing that you were the type to sleep through the morning?

Was it the way you laughed with your eyes closed, or the way you pulled an oreo cookie apart and ate the cream first?

Was it the way you liked your milk always cold/hot, or the way you always put both socks on before your shoes?

Was it the way you liked giving people random nicknames, or the way you remember the little things about people?

What was so interesting about you, that it made him want to talk to you?

He was zoning out while sitting on the roof, and your voice brought him back to his senses as you sat next to him, talking cheerfully about a game you just currently finished easily.

Your voice was muffled to him, and he felt as if the world stopped as he finally decided to look at you longer than he usually would. He looked at the content expression on your face and the wide smile etched on it even at a time such as this, the way your legs swung on the edge of the roof not terrified of falling to your death, the way you used your hands on either side of you to lean back slightly- exactly the way he was sitting. He didn't know what made him interested to speak to you a few weeks ago, but it was clear to him now.

One thing about Chishiya Shuntaro is he is the type of person that likes to observe people. He's the type of person that would do anything to get what he wants. He's the type of person that will lie without a second thought, just to get someone to believe him enough to trust him for him to make his next move in his plan. He's the type of person that didn't think with his heart, the type that never struggled with his emotions.

No, he would never fall in love.

Yet sometimes, the best lies he's ever told are about himself.

Maybe, just maybe, he was falling in love with you.

He smiles to himself as he moves his gaze away from you before you realized he was even staring in the first place. 

'Yeah' he told himself, the corner of his lips lifting slightly as he lied to himself.

 'I'm not in love'

Like hell he wasn't, because he knew deep down that it was a lie.

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