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               ~not my art~

Luz ran into the caves' wall in an attempt to break out without having to face her sister. She wasn't dumb. She knew her family was looking for her to "intimidate" her into telling them what happened, or that's what she thought they were going to do. She believed that everyone hated her when they found out that she had helped Belos with his doings. Everyone knew that this wasn't true and Luz didn't mean to help him. Luz thought that it was her fault.

"Luz!" Evan called out, looking around while also trying to see what made that banging sound. "Uh, Evan! I think I found something!" King said, pointing at blood. "Oh no," Evan said now very worried. "King we need to find Luz, and fast!" Evan said grabbing King. Evan ran and ran until she saw a figure running into the cave. "Is that-" "It has to be," Evan said finishing Kings thoughts. "Luz?" Evan asked, slowly walking up to the figure.

Luz froze when she heard her sister call her name. "Luz, I'm sorry, you must be in so much pain right now but please, please come home, I can't lose you again," Evan said kneeling in front of Luz, "you're not a monster or whatever you tell yourself, we can fix this together you know? You don't have to do this alone."

"Did anyone find Luz!?" Amity asked back at The Owl House. "Unfortunately no," Eda said. "Evan had to find her, I know it," Amity said standing up and grabbing Ghost. "I'm going to look for Evan, just to see if she knows where Luz is."

"Luz, you know hiding won't solve not facing everyone." Evan said watching Luz go into a bush by The Owl House. "Weh! Luz come on!" King had attempted to get Luz to go inside by pulling her tail but couldn't, somehow Luz was able to hold her ground when the two titans tried pulling her to go inside. "Evan!" Amity called out seeing the girl standing in front of a bush. "Oh hey Amity," Evan called out. Luz tensed up hearing Amity's voice. "Have you found Luz yet?"

"Actually yes and I really need your help." "Luz! Come on!" King squealed, continuing his attempt to pull the girl out of the bush. "You see, we found Luz but-she won't come out and for some reason she's somehow not getting out," Evan explained. "Luz!" Amity said basically ignoring what the half titan said and throwing herself into Luz, hugging the werewolf. "Aaaand she just ignored me."

"Weh! Help me get Luz out!" King squealed at Amity. "Luz I missed you!" Amity said, also ignoring the titan. "Ok I'm getting Eda," King said letting go. "EDAAAA!"

Sorry this is a really short chapter I didn't have much ideas 😅 I promise the next chapters will have more words in them than just four hundred something words so. I hope you have a good day/evening/night <3

Thanksgiving break is almost over for me 😭

I have no idea what to name this 👉🏽👈🏽Where stories live. Discover now