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~not my art~

"LU...L..Z!" Odalia had turned into a wolf and threw Luz across the room. "LUZ!" Amity screamed running to the girl. She was now in a wolf form. "GRRRRR," Odalia growled at Luz. Luz took this as a challenge, her pack there, she needed to protect them and to kill §ðmêðñê whð ÐïÐñ'† Ðê§êrvê †ð lïvê.

Luz and Odalia fought. It was a blood bath. Blood everywhere, Eda had tried to get Evan out of her muzzle but whatever Odalia used with the muzzle was some powerful stuff. "WEHH!" Evan yelled trying to get her muzzle to break but wouldn't budge. "Damn it! How can I not break this! Titan magic is more powerful than regular magic!" Evan yelled angry and trying to push it off. "There!" King squealed climbing up on Evan's shoulder and pressing a button releasing the muzzle.

"Luz!" Evan yelled running to Luz. "NO!" Amity screamed seeing Odalia bite down hard Luz before changing back. Eda ran towards the blight and knocked her out hard before beating her half to death. "That should be enough, until she wakes up," Eda said before rushing to Luz.

"Emperor kid! Can you heal her enough?" Eda asked. "I Can try, I would need Viney's help to heal her all the way though," Jamie said looking Luz before healing her. "Woah Woah, easy there."

Luz woke up, still having that thing injected in her making her still feral almost attacked the first person that hugged her before remembering that they were her pack. "I know how to make her back to herself!" Jamie said rushing in with a vile of a green liquid. "So we know that whatever Odalia injected Luz with made her act like, well, a wolf, I found what can reverse some of the effects!" "Well what are you waiting for!?" Evan yelled before apologizing to Jamie.

Jamie picked up Luz's mouth and made her drink it earning a bunch of coughing from Luz and seemed like she was about to throw up. It took an hour for Luz to become back- sorta.

"Luz!" Both Evan and Amity shouted being the most worried, Eda being as equally worried but decided to give Luz some space it being, for her and everyone else, the second time Luz had almost died. But really it was three. Three times that Luz had meet death.

"W-where am I!?" Luz screamed looking around. "Luz I was so worried that that bitch would hurt you so much!" Evan cried while hugging Luz. "What happened?" Luz asked getting hugged. "She injected you with something that made you act like something you weren't!" "Let's go home."

Luz turned in her sleep. When everyone got back to the owl house they decided to rest after what happened. "No!" Luz yelled in her sleep waking Amity up. "Luz," Amity whispered in a raspy voice and then being fully awake and worried seeing Luz sweating in her sleep. "I didn't mean to!" Luz said before mumbling some other stuff. "Stop!" "Luz," Amity said again before Luz woke up gasping. "Hey, are you ok?" Amity asked worried. "Y-yeah just nightmares," Luz said. "I'll be ok."

"Hey has anyone noticed that Luz has been getting nightmares a lot more often?" Jamie asked walking out of Luz and Evan's room and into the living room. The collector and King both found a way to make a portal door back to the Human realm where the everyone was now. Luz was in her room where the two twins and Vee are sleeping, Vee now becoming a Noceda family member, while everyone except for Eda and King being there watching Evan and Hunter argue about a game. "Yeah, ever since Odalia had almost-you know-," Gus said cringing at the moment of Luz almost dying, "she's been getting them more frequently," Amity said finishing Gus's sentence for him.

"NO!" Luz yelled awake before going into one of the corners of the room and started shaking from fear. "I'm alive I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive," Luz said repeatedly tears going down Luz's face as she put her knees to her chest and put her head in her knees.

"NO!" A scream upstairs startling everyone. "Luz!" Evan and Amity yelled both racing upstairs to Luz, Evan and Vee's room. "Luz!" Evan yelled opening the door seeing Luz shake and telling her self 'I'm alive' over and over again. "Luz," Amity said stepping closer to Luz who now had a tail and ears before Evan stopped her. "She's having a panic attack." "Luz, just do what we've practiced, in for five and out for three," Evan said, Luz covering her ears to block out sounds she heard. "I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive," Luz whispered.

"MUTT! FREAK! BEAST! MONSTER! LUZER! CRYBABY! OUTCAST!" The voices yelled in Luz's ears. "You're dead~" "IM ALIVE!" Luz screamed hot tears poring down scaring Amity and Evan as everyone else was coming up.

"I-I'm alive." "Luz Can you hear me!? Just take deep breaths," Evan said her sister look up at her, her eyes now having slits in them. "Luz, if you can here us nod you head," Amity said, Luz nodding in response. "Take slow deep breaths, in for five, out for three," Evan said helping Luz calm down. "I-In f-five, out th-three," Luz said taking deep breaths. "I-I'm alive?" Luz asked her ears going down and her tail rapping around her body. "Luz," Amity said her heart breaking hearing that question come from Luz. "Luz you're alive, I promise," Evan said putting her hand on Luz.

"I'm alive?"

"I'm alive!"

New chapter done. How does the first two-three chapters of this have like 5-10 views while the fifth and fourth have like 14-16 views 💀 anyways who cares about that who's excited about the new FNAF movie? I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night and I'm gonna cry about a stupid cliffhanger in a book I read.

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