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    ~why you never pause The Owl House~

Thank you Luz_The_Human1 for having the  idea of this chapter. Now enjoy while I cry about school

"I'm going out for a walk!" Luz called with the sounds of running. "No you're not, not without me!" Evan called out. "We're going to be back I promise!" Luz called out as the two twins left The Owl House. It was weird with out Hooty telling them, in his high pitched voice, good bye or be safe in the door.

"I'm telling you Monster Slayer Academia is the best anime!" Luz yelled walking while arguing about with her sister. "No way! My Spy Family is better!" Evan argued. "But how!? There's like no action in My spy family but there's so much cool fighting scenes in monster slayer academia," Luz said before the two twins started giggling. "Let's just agree to disagree, after all I'm the older sibling," Evan said. "By like a minute," Luz said before stoping. "There's something wrong."

"Did you hear that?" Luz asked a huge wolf coming out as soon as Luz said that growling at them. Luz turned into the wolf as Evan got out her palisman and turned into her half titan form. The wolf was a very light minty green fur and blue eyes. Luz and Evan fought but didn't beat the wolf. "I have you know you two brats."

"Hey Eda, shouldn't Luz and Evan Evan be back by now?" King asked upset that the half titan girl still hasn't returned with her sister. "Now that you mention it, they should," Eda said grabbing Owlbert.

"Now mutt, tell me that you will remain a beast!" The woman yelled. And It wasn't any woman, it was then one everyone hated. Odilia blight was they yelling at Luz while Evan couldn't do anything being tied to a chair with ropes that prevented her to use her magic and a muzzle that also prevented her fe using her voice powers. It's been hours since the bitch took the both of them and started yelling at the two twins the woman harming Luz as her sister couldn't do anything but watch. "Stop it!" Evan screamed piling her ropes. "Shush you brat," Odilia snapped back. "Now tell me you will stay a beast you mutt!" Odilia yelled at Luz.

"Like I said, fuck you!" Luz screamed almost biting Odilia's finger earring a shock from a taser. "ARGH" "LUZ! STOP IT!" Evan screamed again getting angry at the woman but worried about her sister this time almost ripping the ropes. "Let us go!" "That won't work very well," Odilia said before untying Luz's restrains and injecting Luz with something. "What did you do!?" Evan shouted watching Luz fall to the ground and starting to breath heavily. "You'll see~" Odilia said smiling a wicked smile. 'And this is Amity's mother!?' Evan thought before seeing Luz act more feral and more wolf like.

"Eda! I know where the twins are," Jamie said rushing back into The Owl House. "Well!?" Eda said. "So, uh, you're not going to like this at all but after some digging, Odilia took them," Jamie said. "Oh I knew it from the start that that she was a massive bitch, but stealing two fourteen year olds? Now that's to far," Eda said now pissed and in her harpy mode. "Kid, where did she take them?"

"Hello Luz the huma- why are you acting like that?" Luz's wolf asked seeing Luz act feral. "I know the first couple months or so having me in you make you go crazy, but this? There's something wrong now."

"Alright, so I gathered you you four here because we have a mission, and that mission is: to get Luz and Evan back from Amity's bitch of a mother," Jamie said to Willow, Gus, Hunter and Amity. "I knew dad should've made that divorce when mom started abusing us!" Amity yelled. "Now's not the time! We need to get the twins," Jamie said. "We don't know what she's doing to the twins but we're not going to find out," Eda said, "now emperor kid knows where they're at, so we're going to follow her and beat the living shit out of her," Eda said. "Is she ever going to stop calling me that?" "Nope you're basically stuck with that name."

Luz didn't mean to. She just didn't. She really didn't mean to do it, she wasn't in control, her mind having feral thoughts and her body doing what those thoughts told her. She hurt her sister. Evan tried reasoning to her sister that this wasn't her, that she could fight off whatever Odalia had given her she tried but in the end, still failed.

"Luz! You can fight it! This isn't you you can fight off whatever that bitch did to you!" Evan yelled seeing Luz go on all fours walking towards with her pupils as slits while growling. "She can't hear you, what I gave her was a little something to bring out her wolf," Odalia said smirking. "You bitch!" Evan screamed

"In here!" Jamie whispered walkking into a run down building. "They're in here I know it."

"Odalia! Step away from Luz and Evan!" Eda yelled looking at Oralia pissed. "Oh no I won't do that," Odalia said, "and plus you're too late." "Luz! Fight it!" Evan yelled looking at Luz then everyone else. "Guys! This bitch did something to Luz!" Evan yelled trying to stop Luz from trying to get to everyone. She was finally able to break free from the ropes but wasn't able to get the muzzle off her face. "She injected Luz with something and she's not in control of herself! Fuck!" Evan yelled letting go of Luz. Luz had scratched her sister but didn't mean to. Luz circled around everyone growling on all fours. She tackled Odalia and started growling at her.

Chapter done! I don't have much to say I but, thanks again to Luz_The_Human1 for having this idea and I hope you have a great day/afternoon/night <3

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