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Ren was half unconscious, his head slightly bleeding and you and Jonas exited the small building and began descending all the way down the comtower.

"What a creep," muttered Jonas, when you reached the bottom.

"Jonas," you whispered, "He's my friend."

"Not if he did that."

He licked his upper teeth, before his pearly whites gritted together.

"Let's just go, Jonas."

He suddenly grabbed your wrist.

"Are you really gonna let that slide, Y/N?" said Jonas.

"....I don't know!"

"Well...if you want him to be messed up- you know who to call."

He let you go and began walking past the once electric fence.


"Hey, Y/N?"
said Jonas.

You both were on a trail near the comtower towards Towee Woods.

"I just want to clear the air- just so Ren or whoever can't use it as ammo against me."

"What is it, Jonas?" you asked, as you slowed your walking pace.

"Look. I'm not a maniac- as Ren put it. I never went to jail but I did beat up a guy and got sent to...." He pressed his hand against his temple, "Juvenile detention for it."

You stopped walking completely.


"I just wanted you to know so it wasn't like a thing hanging over your head or anything, Ms. Dissappearance."

"You beat someone up?"

"Just- my mom got sick and then she got real sick...and this kid Timmy Finster threw a baseball at my head- and yes he was-"
"Oh, Jonas...."

A baseball to the head- ouch.

Jonas bit his thumb and his glistening eyes ceased.

"I don't know- I just popped. It was stupid of me. I'm not even...gonna defend myself, Y/N. My mom found out of course and I never squared it with her in a way that....I don't know."

He looked at you with his deep brown eyes, "Thing never really work out the way you...want them to, you know."

"I'm not gonna say I'm a good guy, Y/N but I'm trying to be."

You suddenly hugged him, making him freeze.

"But Jonas..you are a good person, you saved me," you admitted.

His eyes widened, and he stared at you.

"...thank you. Thanks, Y/N."

Oxenfree Jonas x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now