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Your uniform was itchy and it was your least favorite color.

The pizzeria was empty. You leaned against the counter, where the cash register was, scratching at your collarbone. You were doing this shift alone.

Full time.

Your eyes drifted around the room and landed on the old fashioned radio. It was placed near the open window. Your manager said he had gotten it from Maggie Alder's estate. It was a light pink in color.

The bells to the pizzeria door chimed.

Two familiar faces came through the door.

One was a blonde boy, with a buttoned collared shirt, and blue jeans and the other was a dark skinned girl with blue hair, and several necklaces, and a red coat.

Ren and Alex.

Your childhood friends.

And trailing behind them was a super tall guy, you had never seen before. He wore a beanie, brown coat, a reddish undershirt, and had a necklace with a ring attached to it.

"Y/N," said Ren, flashing a smile.

"Hey," you responded, leaning up out of your slouch.

"Could we have a pizza to go? A cheese one."

"Do you have the money this time?"

"We have a boat to catch."

"Ah," you said, rolling your eyes, "I'll let it slide. Only this once."

"I owe you, Y/N!"

You picked up a nearby Peel, sliding out a cheese pizza from under the counter and into a oven.

"Oh! Oh," blurted out Ren, "I forgot to tell you. This is Alex's new fresh as a daisy stepbrother, Jonas." He pointed to the tall boy next to him, "We wanted to show him a good time in North Valley, so we're taking him to the party."

"Hi," said the boy Jonas and his voice came out much deeper than Ren's.

"Hello," you said.

You scratched your back trying to be discreet about the discomfort this stupid uniform was putting you through.

"Speaking of party- too bad you aren't joining us," said Ren, leaning his forearm on the counter, "It could be funn~"

"You know I have to work," you said, "For college."

"Yeah, leave her alone, Ren," said Alex, giving him a look.

"Hey, I'm just sayin," the blonde defended himself.


The oven indicated it was done heating the pizza.

You opened it, and the pizza had steam coming out of it, and whiffs of cheese went up your nose. You carefully used the Peel to slide the pizza in a box. You began to hand it to Ren but stopped mid way, "Only this once," you said.

"Oh yeah, okay. Also....Y/N..could you listen to my song- it's coming on the radio!"

Alex had to drag him away.



You tuned Maggie Alder's radio to Carly's station 88.3, and out came Carly's voice. "-Which I played since that song has been stuck in my head since I woke up this morning but oh- OH actually it's a little after 10 o'clock which means my dear Ren, and his buddies are just touching down on Edwards island -"

guilt struck you as she said those words since you didn't go to the party. You had been child hood friends, "So I'd promised I'd play a song of his from his band- so here are the Red Headed Bedwetters with Baby Carrots."

A catchy tune played.

You decided to leave the radio on.


No one still hadn't showed, besides Ren, Alex, and that guy named Jonas.

You scratched your side, through the fabric of your shirt trying to relieve your irritated skin. Through the large window you could see it was getting dark.

The radio suddenly let out a horrendous static sound. You were tempted to cover your ears but instead sped walked over to it, and saw the dial was on 140.1 instead of 88.3.

How weird.

You reached over but as soon as your fingertips brushed the dial-

You were underwater.

It was a vision.

but you could breathe.

A huge object was sinking. A boat.

There was a flicker and everything went dark.

Oxenfree Jonas x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now