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"Wake up! Can you hear me?"

You tasted dirt. Glass tickled your face and there was a smell of flowers. You began to lose yourself again.

A hand grabbed your shoulder, shaking you.

You jolted awake and slammed foreheads with Jonas.

Pain shot up in your head, causing you to almost reel back. Jonas groaned, clutching his forehead. You looked from Jonas to your surroundings. From all sides you were fenced in a kind of patchy area. A small zigzag trail lead forward to a high tower.

You began to get up.

"Here," Jonas said, his face slightly scrunched up in pain, but he gave you a hand. You took it and felt how warm it was. He pulled you up to his chest. Your legs steadied.

You looked back at the fence gate.

"Don't touch it," warned Jonas and you looked closer, and then you saw the electric pulses coming from it. You thought the humming was from your aching head but it was from the fence.

"Oh," you exclaimed, eyes wide and looking thankfully to Jonas.

"Yeah," was all the beanie boy said, letting you go quickly.

"We'll have to shut it down- probably from that tower."

He pointed to the building up ahead.

You nodded, but then your eyebrow twitched.

"Where are we? What happened?" you asked.

"Ren tuned something in the caves," he said.

"Wait what?"

"Ren- and me went into the 'weirdo' caves as he calls it, a special cave that can connect to his radio-"

He beginning to walk along the zigzag trail, that lead to the tower.

"-And some sort of tunnel appeared and I went in. I took the radio from Ren since he had some....'brownies'", Jonas made finger quotes on the word brownie.

You began to follow him, scratching at your side.

"Radio- cave- A tunnel appeared and you just went in it?" you questioned.

"When you put it like that."

He let out a deep breath.

"So I went in the tunnel and there was this triangle I think? So Ren's radio...I tuned something to the triangle and it started talking to me."

You gave him a look.

"Are you sure you didn't have those brownies?"

He scoffed.

"As if."

His hazel eyes glanced at you.

"I'm still wondering how you got here."


you thought back on it. There was Maggie Alder's radio- and it was on a certain station-you had touched it-

You both by now had made it to the sign near the tower. You didn't notice Jonas had begun to read it, as you were still pondering how you got here.

Jonas burst out laughing.

"This TOWER is named after a guy named DICK harden??" he said.

You weren't sure how to acknowledge that. Heat flushed in your cheeks. A handsome guy making a dirty joke.

You looked up at the tower instead.

It was high up.

"We have to climb that thing?" you said.

"Yeah," muttered Jonas.

You took a deep breath, swallowing.

You took the bars to the ladder.

One hand at a time, Y/N.

Your feet caught the bars below and began to climb.

As you got higher, you could feel the wind catch in your uniform.

You reached a stairway, climbing up it, and it zigzagged just like the trail.

Up ahead was a small looking office, perched on the com tower. You made it to the office like door.

You tried to open the door, jingling the knob, when you couldn't you felt a itch on your neck and you roughly scratched it.

"It looks locked," you grumbled.

"Let me try."

Jonas said. He was right behind you.

He crouched down in from of the door, and pulled out a paperclip or something, picking at the lock.

"You're Y/N right?" he asked.

"Yes," you said, unease filling you. He'd done this before?

The lock opened with a click, and Jonas held open the door open for you.

"After you," he said.

You went in, him following behind you like a shadow.

It was dark inside.

Jonas went over to a lever with a piece of machinery that had a glowing green circle, with a sign near it that said 'generator' and pulled it down.

The lights flickered on.

You then saw the radio transmitter, Jonas to your side.

"Oh, well look here," said Jonas, "Here's the thing to turn off that electrical field-"


You jumped clutching Jonas' arm. It was on instinct.

A phone was ringing.

Jonas's hazel eyes were on you.

You quickly let him go, your face going red. Before Jonas could say anything you pick up the phone.

"Hi?" you say into the speaker.

"Y/N?" said Ren.

"Ren!" you say.

"Y/N- what in mother and heaven are you doing here? Did you sneak in our boat?"

"No, no, Ren."

"Then how are you here?"

You didn't know how to answer.

"Where are you?" Jonas said, leaning forward, so he was around your height.

"I'm at uh the Way Station or whatever in the woods. It's just been the worst night!"


He suddenly cut off.

There was a moment of silence.

"Well looks like we have to-" began Jonas.

The same screeching sound from before at the pizzeria radio came off the radio transmitter, and you automatically reached to turn it off, but as soon as you touched the knob, there was a flicker and everything went dark.



Oxenfree Jonas x Female ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora