Chapter 34 - Acceptance

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Something jumped out of hyperspeed near the Space Station Wildwhirl: it was Captain Pitch who just made his way back. His half broken visor spotted familiar spaceships near the station as he flew closer to it. As he realized them, a concerned feeling ran through his body and hurried his speed up to get back.

Not yet did Commander Moon nor Saros know that Captain Dawn and the rest of the crews from the Walderan mission had returned and were in need of help from Pitch. The wizard and the teal colored mother were still together with Dr. Gura inside Saros's sleeping quarters as Moon got a call on her pager:

Once the call was activated she heard the following report from a female voice: "Commander Moon, Captain Dawn and the others just came back from Walderan. They are in need of help, it's urgent."

"Urgent?" Moon whispered in concern and replied back: "Thank you for your report, we're on our way to the hangar."

Even Dr. Gura insisted on following the commanders to the hangar to check the situation out. On the couch, Saros hesitated to follow them to the hangar at first, he looked down thoughtfully before he changed his mind...

Only Captain Dawn was seen with a few of the Blackcrow members besides him as Moon, Saros and Dr. Gura arrived at the entrance of the hangar. There was only one burning question for Commander Moon once she noticed that Captain Hawk wasn't here.

With a very worried expression, asked the concerned bean right away: "W-Where is my husband and my daughter?"

Dawn's face moved to Moon's direction, as if he knew that she'd ask that question. "That's why we had to come back, Commander. Captain Hawk, General Skylar and some of our members got arrested on Walderan."

"Wait... arrested? But why would our friend King Ashton do such a thing? What happened?" Moon wanted to know and saw in her corner of her visor that Saros beside her turned his face away, obviously feeling very guilty. He knew exactly why they got arrested... but he was too ashamed to tell them the reason.

"We don't know, Commander", Dawn then answered honestly and shook his head. "We weren't in their castle as it happened. We only got the command to flee back to our Space Station, and to get help from Lord Pitch. Where's he?"

"I'm here, Dawn." Suddenly, a deep voice behind Dawn's back was heard. It was Captain Pitch who had just made his way back in time and had eavesdropped parts of their conversation. Moon was relieved to know that Pitch was alright. Although, his outfit was soaking wet. She was wondering where he was...

Whilst Captain Dawn explained to Pitch what happened on Walderan and why they had to return like this, the lord detected that Saros was standing besides Moon, and it appeared that he seemed to still feel guilty about the situation, on why King Ashton suddenly arrested their members. He couldn't even dare to look Pitch in his visor at all. It was all too clear for Captain Pitch but he refrained himself from talking with Saros, for now. It was already enough to know that the wizard's actions had caused unintentional upheaval that potentially could have dire consequences.

"... now, what should we do, Captain?" Then, Dawn raised his voice slightly, alerting Pitch from his thoughts and the lord resumed paying attention to him again.

"I might have an assumption of why they got in such a dire situation...", He set his disappointed glare onto Saros and refused to let him go. Of course the wizard could clearly pick up that he had focused his visor on him, and was still refusing to look at anyone, clearly avoiding every visor contact.

Even Dr. Gura noticed that there was some secret aura going on between Pitch and Saros. Unspoken tension rising in the room was all she felt.

"C-Captain Pitch?" The lime-colored scientist gingerly interrupted their conversation. Hoping with all her heart that she wasn't going to annoy them further. "There is also something else which I'm able to show you."

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