Chapter 37 - Curious Mystery

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Oblivious to the drama going on within the Wildwhirl, the young bean that had snuck into the library on the Blackcrow was still filing through books and scrolls. Starla had been busy doing research for the past 45 minutes on all manner of different topics, flicking through many in curiosity. By now, she had turned on the library's lights to be able to see and read.

She was extra careful this time around, however, to put the books and scrolls back to where they should be on the many shelves and cases. Many books within this mystical room were ancient editions, while some were newer. Starla had a gist on which ones were the oldest, because each era of publishing had its own unique bookbinding techniques and flairs. The most ancient of books, she was yet to find. She kept coming across ones with belts tying them closed and covers with gold leaf inscriptions on the front.

In her little literary adventure, Starla had a glimpse of the wondrous world of the Laveries from one book, and she found a few old spell books: one of which was the signature teleportation spell Saros loves using. She got a giggle out of that book.

As she was toddling down the deepest depths of the library, gently and carefully putting books and scrolls back, one particular book caught her eye. It was an old, raggedy thing, with a leather cover that had appeared to be cracked and worn to practically nothing. The pages were still largely uncrumpled, and still had its gold edging.

"Huh." She quietly whispered. "This book is both old and looks new..." Taking the small, withered book out from its place on the shelf. It wasn't very spectacular. And worse, most of the title on the cover and the spine were all but worn away. Starla could barely make out any lettering.

She gently and carefully took it back to the desk with her, making sure she didn't damage it. Placing it on the lectern and uncoupling the very simple hook + eye latch on the book, she opened the book and read the first page, which was a surprise to her upon reading its title.

"Whoa... Compendium on the wizards of Zudak?!" She thought to herself as she flipped to the contents page and beyond. The book had illustrations and diagrams, both arcane and scientific. Even as far first as the introductory chapter. "What's this about a... what's that word?"

Starla completely found herself entranced by the details shown. The first official chapter in the book was dedicated solely towards that strange name in the title. She had assumed it was some kind of coven or cult or city... she soon found out what it was.

"Zudak's a planet?!" She whispered in amazement. There were diagrams and maps of this planet, not to mention whoever wrote the book clearly knew their science. Starla had been caught off guard completely by some numbers, but upon further inspection, those ridiculous numbers were actually temperatures. If Starla wasn't sitting down by now, the young bean might have felt lightheaded and dizzied by the ridiculous and dangerous temperatures recorded.

But she still went forth through the book. Right up until...

"Bingo!" She whispered to herself as she found the exact chapter talking about those wizards and witches. There were some rather questionable scientific drawings and diagrams held within, not to mention loose notes in between some of the pages.

"The witches and wizards native to the planet Zudak are often affiliated with dark magic, since the species is known to be an impostor species. They are notorious for being able to copy and steal arcane abilities, and are ruthless hunters of magic and power. Take great care in approaching a Zudakian, for they are unpredictable. They have had a long and notorious history of conflicts, one of the most recent was with the Laveries: a similar magical species with control over elemental forces through the use of their gemstones. Gemstones which decorated their bodies since birth onwards.

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