Chapter 10 - Labyrinth Of Fears

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Nothing special seemed to happen on board the Blackcrow whilst Moon and Hawk were taking a nap together in their sleeping quarter. Mr. Food prepared some meals for dinner, like he usually would. Even The Doc was with him and watched him from out a table. The black doctor seemed to be in thoughts, the white chef noticed after he finished cleaning a table where he was cutting the needed vegetables for their meal. There was a free minute for Mr. Food to take the opportunity to talk with him.

"Is everything alright over there, Doc? You seem to be absent." Mr. Food asked.

The Doc was way too much in his mindful marathon, that he almost overheard him.

"Everything's alright, Mr. Food. No need to worry."

In the distance, inside the kitchen were sudden noises heard. Pots fell, pots and cooking tools. The white chef moved to the direction where the noises came from and saw Zin and Tin, originally slime-like pets from Slimey, who were looking for food. Mr. Food walked to them and picked them up. He didn't want them inside his kitchen and looked at them annoyed, as he had them in his arms.

"Seems like Shepp forgot to take Zin and Tin with him." Mr. Food meant and put them outside the kitchen.

The Doc made an amused laugh, stood up from the table and wandered to his friend to have a small conversation. "Reminds me of our good old times, with the Nightclaw."

"Yes, I agree. But we're here on board the Blackcrow now, Doc. Speaking of which, could you find an assistant for the medical station?" A sudden topic change wasn't needed, especially this kind of topic. Since the crew was bigger than the previous one, he worked for, The Doc needed a second assistant, to help him out. He couldn't take care of a 15-member crew all alone.

"I didn't find one yet, Mr. Food", He admitted, quite embarrassed about it. "It's difficult and different to work with previous impostors. I'm not sure who I should trust."

Zin and Tin beside him on the ground were playing together while they had their conversation.

"I'm sure you'll find the right assistant, my friend." The white bean encouraged and laid a supportive hand on his shoulder.

"I hope you are right." The Doc meant, with a frustrated undertone.

Meanwhile, on the bridge took Berry, Zipper and Saros care of everything else. Although Saros wasn't sure if he should help Pitch after how he treated his warnings. He feared that something bad could happen, especially on such a mysterious spaceship. After Saros could cast the spell to detect them beyond the living world, he realized, of what source of power they had to deal with. If even their aura could block his magic like that. Such powerful aura didn't meet Saros before.

That made him question even more things in silence. Thoughtful walked the wizard around the bridge, the others, Berry and Zipper focused on their workstation and kept an eye out on the screens as much as they could. In hope, to maybe detect a clue on how to get rid of them.

Saros held his hand a bit up and made a fist, which he moved up and down nervously and mumbled, more to himself than to the others:

"This doesn't seem right", He began. "Why would such a powerful force attack us in the first place?"

"Saros?" It was Berry who heard him mumbling and was confused of what the dark wizard was talking about. Not turning around, continued Saros with talking to himself.

"Ulgara's citizens got manipulated. But why? It feels like as if they - they..." A sudden thought ran inside Saros's mind, and he smashed his fist into his other hand. Berry jerked in the background as he did that sudden movement with his fist. Seemed like Saros got an idea.

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