Chapter 6 - Unexpected Turn

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Everyone who was involved in that mission was ready to go. Together, with everyone in a shuttle, they flew down to the surface from out the spaceship's hangar down to a platform which had been sculpted out from a big rock. The planet's surface was accented with giant mountains and crystals, reflecting the sunlight in glittering rays. The sky itself had a pink and blue-colored atmosphere. That place seemed to be home to an array of mystical things and creatures.

Those crystals weren't the only beautiful things that this planet had to offer. Dragon beans lived here, often dwelling in deep caves, In all kinds of forms and colors. As the shuttle landed perfectly on the rock, Pitch was looking for a certain dragon bean after he climbed out of the shuttle. A blue colored one, the ruler of Ulgara. Turning his head skywards, Pitch saw three dots fly nearer. The dots became bigger in the distance and Pitch could identify the blue dragon bean. With a suspicious look, the dragon bean turned his visor to the trio of visitors.

Captain Pitch, with no sense of trepidation, wandered closer to the leader after the sapphire dragon bean landed in front of them.

"It's a surprise that you came back, Captain Pitch." The blue dragon bean said, having easily recognized the lord. For the accompanying Saros, Something in his voice seemed off. Especially this time. Even the leader's visor seemed to be paler. The wizard felt a pang of concern, but that uneasiness grew even more after he continued speaking.

His visor shined red for a split second as he said: "There's nothing interesting on our planet, my Lord."

My Lord? He never called Captain Pitch 'my Lord' before. Suspiciously the wizard looked at him, as did Hawk who stood beside him. He remained silent and watched the situation for now.

"There is, apparently." The black captain said and looked deeply into his visor. "We came back to investigate more about it."

"About what exactly, if I may ask?" The leader was wondering.

"A specific material. A stone or crystal, perhaps. We found something very interesting on your planet, Blu." Pitch made his explanation as short as possible. Maybe Blu did know more about it, since they found it here on his home planet which he ruled over. But the dragon bean shook his head in disagreement.

"Crystals are a common recourse on our planet, as you can see." Blu made a gesture with his head, to do a short look around. They were indeed surrounded by mountains and landscapes, all accented by crystals. "Those crystals have nothing special. You can go back from where you came from."

But Captain Pitch still believed that there was. He didn't let go of Blu that easily.

"Even if they don't have anything special," Hawk was brave enough to step into the conversation, to help Pitch out. "We'd really like to research about them more."

There was A short moment of silence before Blu answered. He looked down at Hawk and Saros. As he glanced over the wizard, his visor flickered once again with a red light for a fleeting moment. Was Saros the only one who noticed the strange red glow that seemed to appear and disappear like that?

"Alright." The leader finally gave in. "Please, follow me inside our caves."

But before they followed Blu inside the building behind them, Saros could see how Blu's pale visor turned back to the blue which most beans had. As it changed, the ruler rubbed his claws on his forehead. For Saros, he knew all too well that It was a sign that the blue bean was enduring headaches. An unknown force turned the dragon's bean visor back to the pale color again. Captain Pitch and Captain Hawk didn't notice that his visor changed but they did realize his strange pain. With a doubtful expression, the wizard and the other strangers followed behind the leader of Ulgara. They followed him into his dwelling, a cave, which was studded by a lot of vibrant crystals and protected by guards.

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