Chapter 4

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I'm sitting on a bench, my sister's arm around me while the judges 'talk' to me. The other man just disappeared. "You have been accused of owning drugs and sabotaging the entire electricity system," said a male judge with oddly coloured blue hair.

"And...there is solid proof miss," said a female judge who had dark brown hair. "But I swear I didn't do anything of that sort," I say. "We have the proof so we cannot believe anything you say, miss," said another judge.

"You cannot just do this without hearing her side of the story!" said Avery. "Whatever her consequences are, she'll have to face it. You'll be informed later. I suggest you take her home," said the other female judge.

"But-" Avery cut me off. "Let's just go." she says as she pulls me out of the room. "So you're taking their side?!" I shout at her as she's still pulling me towards our car. "No I'm not, there's no use of arguing with them," she sighs.

"I guess you're right, hmmm?" I say. We get into the car and she drives us home. We reach home and I run upstairs to my room, still wearing the outfit but wearing my white jacket over it. I had already removed my skates and was wearing white sneakers.

I bury myself into the covers of my bed. I can't help but shed at least a few tears. My whole career. Possibly ruined. Who could've framed me like this? This is all so irritating.

Two hours later my sister comes up to my room with a frown. "Can I come in?" Avery asks. "Yea."

"Well they've decided your consequences." said Avery with guilt and sadness in her voice. "What did they say...?" I ask knowing its 100% not going to be good.

"They've said that... You won't be able to competitively figure skate for the next year and you have to pay a fine of $85 000 for damages and the drugs. And if you don't pay, you'll never be able to compete again." she says. I stare at her not knowing what to say.

"Where am I supposed to get so much money from?" I ask with a worried voice. Avery shrugs. She knows I want to be alone so she silently leaves my room.

"My life is officially over." I mutter to myself.

(The next day)

Im feeling absolutely miserable. It's about 8am right now. I need coffee badly. I take my car and drive to the local coffee shop. I park my car and to my surprise I see. That man?

Heart of IceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang