Chapter 15

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I'm at home. It's currently 2pm. Rhys said he apparently had some work. I get a phone call. It's an unknown number.

"Hello, Iris. It's Andre."
"I want to apologize for everything I've done to hurt you."
"Ummm, wha-"

What the hell. After 3 years, he's apologizing. I wonder why. My sister just got home from a meeting. I go downstairs to greet her.

"Hey sis, how was the meeting?" I ask. "It was alright. You know how boring all these meetings can be," says Avery. "Did you go on any dates with your boyfriend," Avery chuckles.

"Stopp," I say feeling flustered. He's not my boyfriend. I'm not sure what we are. Technically we're business partners. "Any suspects?" I ask with a little hope in my voice. Avery shakes her head.

"Anyways, I brought take-out for dinner!" says Avery. "Oohhhh yay," I say. "I'll go shower," she says. I nod.

I'm bored. I get a text from Rhys.

"Iris, tomorrow there's a formal event in the evening. It's the first time that you're going to meet my father. I will send a dress to your home in an hour. No one else, but you are allowed to see it until the event."
"What... I've never been to one before."
"It's alright. I'll pick you up. 5pm. Tomorrow."
"Okay, how are you?"

That as*hole left me on read. So much for being nice. So he's sending me a dress, huh. Nice. I'm actually excited for this 'event' he's taking me to.

The thing I'm not excited about is meeting his father. I'm so f*cking nervous. I mean they're crazy rich. What if I don't meet up to the 'expectations' and his father knows I'm fake.

What if we're not 'coupley' enough to make him believe we're together. This is so fraustrating. I hope he sends a purple dress. After all it's my favorite colour. But Rhys doesn't know that.

4 hours later. It's currently 6:30pm. I hear the doorbell ring. I run downstairs, I know what it's going to be. I see a man in a black suit with black sunglasses. He hands me a big box.

"Thank you," I say. He nods and I lock the door. I run upstairs, into my bedroom. I carefully open the box. There's a really pretty ribbon around it. I take off the top of the box and there's a note.

Here's a beautiful dress for you Iris. Don't let anyone see it. I know you'll look stunning.

Awww. That's so sweet. I remove the top layer and under it is a beautiful purple dress. How did he know? I take it out of the box. It's a ballroom dress. I can't wait to wear it tomorrow.

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