Chapter 9

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"That woman is so f*king annoying," I groan. Iris just stayed silent while I unlocked the car. How could my aunt be so forward? "Get in," I say to Iris as I get into the drivers seat.

She gets into the car and sighs. "Rhys," Iris whispered. I reply to her by giving her a quick, cold glance. "Can we go to eat something. Please," she asks me innocently. "No," I say sternly.

"Pleaseee," Iris is practically begging. I don't reply. I reverse out of the parking lot and Iris stays silent. After 6 minutes I sigh. "Do you still want the food?" I ask her knowing if I don't get it she's going to annoy me. Yeah that's the reason I'm giving in to her.

Iris nods excitedly. I roll my eyes. "Fine," I groan as I go into the nearest fast food drive-thru. Iris gets out her credit card to pay. "It's fine I'll pay," I say, tapping my card.

"Thanks," she says warmly. She got her food and I stopped in the parking lot so she could eat. She ordered 4 chicken nuggets, fries and a large coke. "You know this shit is unhealthy for you," I tell her as she eats.

"I don't think I care about that. I'm always eating salads or those weird vegan things so let me enjoy some junk once in my life," she says. I roll my eyes. "Want some?" Iris asked.

I didn't reply. Since I didn't reply to her she took the box of nuggets, put the box into my hand and practically forced me to try it. I swear to God, this girl is going to be the end of me.

It actually didn't taste bad. I give her the box with 2 nuggets left in it. "Hurry up," I say. "Alright, alright calm down," she says.

She finishes eating and I leave the parking lot. "Where are we going now?" she asks curiously. I ignore her. "Rhys... You alive?" she asks again. "Ugh, I hate you sometimes," she groans. A small smile appears on my face. Luckily Iris was looking outside so she didn't see.

I ended up taking her to a park. Quiet and secluded. There were a few children running around which I hated, but we'll only be here for about 20 minutes maximum.

She sits down on a bench and I sit beside her making sure to maintain distance. Iris let out a sigh of exhaustion. "Rhys, when will I get the money. I'm sorry for asking but I really need it," she says. "When the job is done. As it says in the contract," I reply.

"By the way how did I do, during the competition," Iris asks while smirking. "It was mediocre," I reply. "I knew I should've worked harder," Iris whispers to herself.

"You weren't bad, Iris. There's always room for improvement. You did a good job, okay?" I end up saying that, feeling so embarrassed. What the f*ck possessed me to say that. I don't care about how she felt so...

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