Chapter 12

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"Where in this market am I supposed to find some milk?" Eileen didn't know why people kept moving where shops were.

Although it had been about fourteen years since she had roamed the streets of Teodes. She supposed it was natural for some things to change when over a decade had passed. But surely the vendors should stay in relatively the same area. Surely that wasn't too big of an ask?

"I think that it was somewhere past the next street," Ayla replied, staring pointedly at the map her mother had given her.

When Eileen had asked her to accompany her to go grocery shopping last night, she had told her that she didn't do enough to know where everything was. So, she had had to ask her mother for the layout map she sometimes used if the goods weren't delivered. Eileen couldn't have them delivered for obvious reasons, she was profusely thankful for Miriam Westford's meticulous organization.

"But you said that a few steps back too," Eileen pointed out, even as she followed her friend's instructions.

Ayla had never really been good at following instructions and was very much easily distracted. They'd already been taken off track multiple times and the day hadn't even really started. Although Eileen didn't really mind that about her.

A small smile pulled her lips as she watched Aylasquint at the map before glancing at the busy street around them. She had to admit it was even a little fun. To go out with her friend without having to be in a disguise.

Well, in a disguise that wasn't too far from herself to be more exact. The straight black hair and the thin yet opaque veil covering her face was still a disguise. A necessary one, but a disguise all the same. She looked too much like her family without it.

Her smile turned more wry. Not that Kiran Knightwood did not look like a Devencrux as well, but her features were Knightwood enough to distract from it. Besides everyone knew that she was an only child, so they were unlikely to suspect a man as they would a woman. A foolishness she was currently grateful for.

"I think that we should just wander around and see if we come across it." Eileen decided that it was better to keep moving and took the navigating disc from Ayla before she accidentally broke it. "Milk isn't the only thing I need to buy anyway."

Ayla pursed her lips but ultimately didn't refute the suggestion and as they picked up a meat skewer a few vendors over, her hesitance was forgotten. And if Eileen had subtly directed them towards it for that exact purpose, then no one needed to know. While eating, her thoughts turned towards the conversation they'd had prior to planning this outing.

She wanted to sigh again at Ayla's reason for the surprise kiss. To sell the act, as she'd put it. Eileen could see that it was one of the reasons that Ayla had done it, but she also had a feeling that it wasn't the main one. She'd almost pointed that out to her friend, but one look at her face had stopped her from vocalizing it.

Ayla truly believed the words. She didn't think there was any other possible reason for her actions than what she'd said. She didn't know. And if she hadn't come to the conclusion on her own than Eileen was certainly not going to tell her. Nothing good comes from rushing these things.

So instead, she'd made her promise her that she'd give Eileen a warning before doing any such things in the future. She'd also had to reassure her friend that she wasn't about to up and leave her for it. It made Eileen feel a sense of helplessness to note that while Ayla was very good at guessing other people's emotions, when it came to her own she was practically clueless.

Eileen didn't know whether she had even noticed that her face conveyed her relief clearly when given reassurance. Regardless, they'd quickly moved on from the instance and instead moved on to other things. Like where in this gods be damned street they could find milk.

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