Chapter 3

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For a few very long moments, Eileen didn't know what to say. This was not the direction she had expected this night to go. When she'd been listening to Ayla's worries, she'd assumed that they'd have to look for someone and had already added it to the list of things she needed to do. In fact, her mind was going through a list of acquaintances who'd be able to come to Teodes on such short notice.

Nowhere in her mind was this a course of action. It hadn't even been a possibility. Hell, she'd thought Ayla was asking about the wig because she wanted to know whether she could disguise herself. Now that seemed like the least of her worries.

She stared into the sparkling hazel eyes, took in the determined tilt of her face and the excitement already vibrating through her. And suddenly she knew exactly what to say.

"That's an absolutely insane idea."

"That wasn't a no." Was the very unhelpful reply.

"Ayla, you can't be serious." Eileen was moving off the lounge, feeling a sudden need to stretch her legs.

"It's a perfectly acceptable solution."Aylasaid following her to her feet.

In reply to that, Eileen gave her a deadpan glance. Hopefully it conveyed just how insane she found this course of action. Only Ayla would think that the solution to her mother wanting to set her up on a date was to have her very female friend be her date in disguise.

"Come on."Ayla whined. "It might even be fun."

Eileen huffed. "How in the seven seas would this be in fun? In any definition of the word?"

"I know you can do it!"Aylaexclaimed, practically bouncing on the feet now.

"That's besides the point." Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. A part of her thought this was a very bewildering dream. Maybe she needed to lie down instead of pacing. "What even led up to this?" She asked instead.

"I need someone I can trust and there's no time."

"Can't you ask someone else?" Eileen had to ask. "I have some friends who could be your date. Maybe you could talk to them?"

"No."Ayla shook her head.

"You haven't even met them." She pointed out in an exasperated huff.

Aylastared at her with uncharacteristic somber expression for a few seconds, before shaking her head. "It doesn't matter."

"Why not?"

"Because it won't be any different than my mother setting me up." She shook her head. "I don't trust them."

"There has to be someone you trust." At the look that got her, Eileen felt a need to add, "Someone else you trust."

Instead of the continued protest she was expecting, Ayla instead tilted her head in question, "Are you saying no?"

She almost did just that. But then she made the mistake of looking into her eyes. Saw the dejection building in them, along with something else. It gave her pause. She gulped down the "no", resignation building in its place.

Fine. She'd go along with this hare-brained scheme. The desperation she'd seen in Ayla's eyes meant nothing good. She had a feeling if she refused her now, it would lead to a much more dangerous situation. Grandpa had told her to trust her intuition, she only hoped she was making the right decision.

"Why does it have to be me?" Eileen needed to reiterate.

"It can only be you."Ayla stated. "No one else will do."

Searching her gaze, she could only find the utmost conviction. Eileen sighed. No one else will do. Well. If her decision hadn't been made already, it certainly was now. Only time would tell if it was the right one.

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