Chapter 1

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When hunting for clues in crowded cities, it is imperative to have a good disguise. Her grandfather had tried his best to get that lesson embedded into her mind for as long as she could remember. A phantom ache went through her muscles at the reminders of the city that had been used as an example of the lesson.

If anyone tried to convince her that going into a forest on the outskirts of Calguren with a dwelling of monks was a good idea, she'd call them a liar. Even monks had a tendency to want to fight you when you came upon them on an inopportune time. As she'd had to learn the hard way when the "bonding" trip her grandfather had taken on had led to them being chased through the forest over a cliff.

Turns out sneaking into places of worship to learn in disguise was frowned upon in polite settings. But polite had never been something her grandpa claimed to be. Nevertheless, it had taught her to make sure she blended in before going anywhere from then on.

Even the walls have ears and when you find yourself in a city of enemies, being unrecognizable is one of your greatest strengths. Which is why Eileen was currently wearing a straight black wig and a mask covering her lower face as she wandered up to the office to pick up the key to her new home. Well, it was an old family home, but it would seem new to anyone else. With the recent illness in Teodes, they'd take it to be a safety measure.

Although what would really keep her disguised was the hard-to-rub-off makeup she'd developed to make sure her features wouldn't be easily recognized. And she could not be recognized. It bring more harm than good.

With all its balls and preaching of goodness, Teodes was still not safe for her. Not when it was the very place that haunted her nightmares with the memories it brought forward. Not when it was the reason her parents were gone.

The thought brought with it flashes of flames and collapsing pillars of stone. The phantom heat of the fire making a shiver run up her spine. She didn't give it too much thought, only pausing to disperse the thoughts. Not now. Get the key first.

It was a good thing that it was the weekend and everyone was at home enjoying the new spring. As she made up the stairs to the locker which had her key, her mind wandered over her plan for the day. To find the whereabouts of the servants that escaped from the fire.

Miles was a godsend. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth as she picked up the gold key and looped it through the key chain her grandfather had given her. She would have called him Uncle Miles, but he insisted on the lack of formality. All of her grandpa's friends were strange that way.

She'd have to treat him to lunch some day. Maybe he'd be able to shed some light on where all of those servants went as well. Especially since neither she or her grandpa knew who they were. With over a decade past, her memory of their faces was a little fuzzy.

Walking up the stone path up to the arched oak door, a sense of nostalgia welled unbidden in the pit of her stomach. A faint smile as she recalled the last time she'd been here. A time which was much happier than the current circumstance.

A happy time with her parents.

She gulped to dislodge the ball dryness in her throat, a hand discretely coming up to wipe the tears from her eyes. The rolling luggage behind her rattled along the marble as she walked in to take in the dirt covered sheets. Her eyes blinked to clear in the aftermath of the sprinkle of dust that rained down from the ceiling as the door shut.

Coughing to clear the dust that had managed to venture into her mouth, Eileen decided that it would be better to settle the state of the house before any other ventures. She knew she wouldn't be able to get any work done otherwise.

With luggage safely placed in the corner, she tied up her hair and got to work. Fortunately, she'd had the foresight to stash cleaning supplies into the car. And with her Grandpa having made them, she knew they'd be successful in ridding her house of dirt.

Behind Gilded MasksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora