Chapter 26

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Raiden was disappointed to learn that he'd arrived too late to see Kiran. A hint of frustration dwelled in him that he hadn't even considered the possibility that he might accompany Ayla Westford to the party. So, it had stopped him in his tracks when he'd overheard the party goers discussing him as he walked past.

Internally, cursing at his awful luck, he'd almost allowed it colour his experiences of he party. Almost. It had taken one glance towards the side for his contemplation of going off and searching for the man to disappear. Instead, a pang of unease took its place.

Lenora Divine was speaking to the most questionable man he'd ever had the displeasure of meeting. And it was not an experience he ever wanted to revisit. Even if he only did so in his thoughts.

Knowing his reputation, Raiden had wandered up to the boundary of their conversation. He'd intended to rescue her from Holloway's presence only to soon realise she didn't need rescuing. So, he'd simply stayed in place and listened.

Although, he'd freely admit it was partially due to lingering unease that something may suddenly change. He didn't think the man was the sort to attack women, but the way his face was reddening and the scowl on his face told a different story. Better to be safe than regret it later.

A grin spread on his face as he watched Lenora dodge the man's questions and rile him up. He had to lift a hand to cover the snort that left him when the man ran off. It seemed her...unique personality had its perks.

Walking away from the scene, his eyes can't help but linger on the small of her back. Not that she was particularly petite or anything of the sort. In fact, she was almost as tall as he was. Although that may have had something to do with the heels she was wearing.

His thoughts ran rampant, confusion interlacing with amusement. He didn't quite understand why, but he felt like it reminded him of something. But what...

"Redthorn!" AylaWestfordran up to them as soon as she caught sight of them. "What took you so long?"

Raiden huffed a laugh. "I would have been here sooner, but we had a bit of an hiccup."

"A hiccup?"

"Yes. I found her speaking to Garfield Holloway." As soon as the words left his mouth, he saw her flinch and concern overtook the amusement. "What happened?"


He hesitated. Would it be the right decision to press her on the details if she didn't want to share them? He wasn't sure. However, the pit of unease growing in his stomach wouldn't let him rest unless he did.

"Did Holloway do something?" Raiden hoped his expression would convey his concern. Now that he was looking more closely, she did seem a little pale. He'd thought it was simply due to the contrast with Lenora's lightly tanned skin, but he now suspected that wasn't the case.

Some of that concern must have shown through because her expression softened. And he pretended not to see her taking a glance at Lenora before answering. Although it didn't bode well that she felt the need to seek reassurance. It certainly didn't make the dread grow any less.

"It's not..." She sighed. "He didn't really do anything. But he...He made comments that weren't really...And i would have punched him if Kiran hadn't shown up in time...He was just a little pushy. I don't even know why I'm reacting this way now. Maybe I'm over-"

"No." He cut that thread of conversation off immediately, echoed by the whimsical voice beside him.

Lenora moved forward and took her hands in her own, rubbing soothing circles on the back of them. "It's not an overreaction. Whatever you feel is valid."

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