Start from the beginning

"Ah!" Lysander's reaction was immediate and evident. 

His face turned as red as a ripe strawberry, his mouth agape, and his eyes wide with astonishment. After a moment of apparent shock, he vigorously shook his head, as if to snap himself out of his reverie.

"Stop teasing, Vice Prez!" Lysander exclaimed, his embarrassment evident. "You're really giving Arthur the wrong impression here!"

I let out a sheepish laugh, scratching my blushing cheek. "Ahahaha, sorry," I said, my smile still dancing on my lips.

Arthur couldn't contain his playful banter, taking the opportunity to add to the light-hearted teasing. "So you're confessing to Greg! I knew it!" he exclaimed, his tone filled with amusement. "And here I am, wondering why you never had a girlfriend. I never thought you were looking for a boyfriend! Don't worry, I'll still be your friend, for better or for worse!"

Lysander, clearly flustered by the persistent misunderstandings, raised his voice in frustration. "I'm not gay! How many times!" he hollered.


Upon reaching the door to the student council room, I led the way and opened it. Meanwhile, Lysander and Arthur continued their bickering, seemingly oblivious to their surroundings.

"You are quite a loud bunch," President Gregory remarked, his voice calm and composed.

The sudden realization struck Lysander and Arthur like a bolt of lightning as they saw the interior of the student council's room. In the presence of the office and their school president, Gregory, the two noisy individuals immediately ceased their conversation, settling into an uneasy silence. President Gregory stood tall beside the windows, seemingly gazing at the sunset while awaiting our arrival.

Gregory's intense gaze fell upon me, a silent confirmation passing between us. In response, I swiftly closed the student council's room door and locked it, sealing us in. Arthur, sensing the gravity of the situation, wisely chose to stand back.

"I-I guess this topic is too serious for me to hear." Arthur forced a smile as he reached back at the door knob.

"Unfortunately." Gregory nodded. 

"Well, I'm the chairman of the Corridor Cleanliness Council, so I'm going to grab a mop and do my business." Arthur opened the door and waved goodbye. "See y'all tomorrow!"

The door was shut for the second time, its noise branded the mark of a long awkward silence. There are only three people in the room: Gregory, Lysander, and me.

"Take a seat," Gregory commanded. Each of us complied, settling around the round wooden table, our expressions serious and attentive.

Lysander, always direct, broke the tense silence. "Where are the other student council members?" he inquired.

"Your information could incite chaos if leaked to the other students. The two of us from the student council are sufficient to hear your intel," Gregory replied, his tone unwavering.

"Fair point," Lysander conceded.

"Hiraya has already briefed me on the terrorism intel you shared," Gregory said, leaning forward and fixing his gaze on Lysander. "Is this true?"

Lysander nodded solemnly. "Very much true. In two days, Neo Arcadian sympathizers plan to seize control of the entire campus. They may resort to killing students as a display of their wrath against the empire."

"How did you learn about this?" Gregory's tone is filled with doubt.

As Lysander gritted his teeth, clearly wrestling with his response, he finally spoke, "I have contacts. From the opposition side."

His revelation sent my mind racing. I had often wondered about Lysander's deep interest in Neo Arcadia and its ideologies. I recalled our first encounter when he had asked me a peculiar question about my stance on Neo Arcadia. Later, I had spotted him in the library, engrossed in the memoir of Sir Amphere Harrison, a figure with connections to Old Arcadia.

All these details seemed to point to a connection between Lysander and the terrorists. Yet, despite these troubling signs, I couldn't bring myself to see him as a malicious person, especially considering he had warned us about the impending invasion.

Meanwhile, Gregory's eyes fixed on the calendar hanging on the wall. "Two days from now... is the Magical School Festival. During this event, the school opens its gates to outsiders, including potential terrorists. Sadly, we can't simply apprehend anyone suspicious in such a large-scale event." His tone was heavy with concern, reflecting the gravity of the situation we were facing.

Lysander's frustration was palpable as he questioned, "You can't cancel it?"

Gregory's response was tinged with regret. "The students are eagerly anticipating the festival. We can't simply cancel it based on an anonymous tip without hard evidence. Even if I choose to believe you, and that is an 'if'... the principal would definitely just laugh it off."

Lysander's voice dropped to a mumble, almost as if he was talking to himself. It was only thanks to my elven ears of sharp hearing that I was able to decipher his whispers. "Everything will end up the same like the last timeline, huh... and here I thought I could change anything."

His words hung heavy in the air, a testament to his deep sense of hopelessness. I couldn't help but notice the despair in his eyes, reminiscent of the same look I had seen in my deceased best friend, Adelyn, when she had learned of her terminal illness. I never wanted to witness that kind of guilt-ridden gaze again.

I rose from my seat, determination etched across my face, and fixed a determined gaze on our student council president. "I'll handle it," I declared.

Gregory's reaction was a mix of surprise and uncertainty. "Hiraya?" he muttered, his astonishment mirrored on the face of Lysander.

With a reassuring wink and a raised index finger, I directed my unwavering confidence toward Lysander. "I believe in you," I said, my voice filled with determination. "I will do everything in my power to keep this school safe."

Vesryn Pulse: Lysander of the RegressionWhere stories live. Discover now