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Skye stumbled into her apartment, the effects of one too many drinks making her head spin. She managed to kick off her shoes and slump onto the couch, flicking on the TV. 'Desperate Housewives' flickered on the screen, a familiar background noise to her muddled thoughts.

Just as she was beginning to feel a wave of nausea, there was a knock at the door. "Alyx, what did I tell you about coming home drunk at one in the morning," Skye mumbled, expecting her friend's usual late-night antics.

But when she opened the door, it wasn't Alyx; it was Christopher. He stood there, looking slightly awkward, yet determined. "I, uh, followed you home. I know it sounds creepy. I stood out here for an hour, debating whether to knock."

Skye's first instinct was to be alarmed, but his presence also brought a sense of relief. She wasn't sure whether to be angry or grateful.

"Okay," she said, her voice softer than she intended. "Do you want some water?"

Christopher nodded. "Yeah, that would be great, thanks."

She fetched two glasses of water and handed one to him before collapsing back onto the couch. They sat in silence, the TV's chatter filling the room as the tension hung heavily between them.

Christopher finally broke the silence. "I just wanted to say... I like you, Skye. More than I've liked anyone in a long time. And I don't want to mess this up."

Skye took a long moment to respond. Sure, Christopher was attractive, smart, and sometimes funny, but he was also the same arrogant doctor she had initially despised.

She noticed his scent, something intriguingly masculine - suede, sandalwood, perhaps a hint of sage. It was unexpectedly appealing.

Christopher's intense cornflower blue eyes met hers, his face just inches away. "Tell me. What are you thinking right now?"

Skye laughed, a mixture of shyness and self-consciousness bubbling up. She had been intimate with him once, but that didn't mean she was ready to let him fully into her head. Or was she?

"Nothing," she lied, avoiding his gaze.

But deep down, Skye was conflicted. Part of her was drawn to Christopher, intrigued by the layers she was beginning to see beneath his confident exterior. Another part was cautious, wary of getting too close, too fast. Skye knew one thing for sure – whatever was happening between them was far from simple.

The sound of rain intensified outside, transitioning from a light sprinkle to a heavy downpour. Thunder rumbled in the distance as Skye and Christopher sat in her living room, enveloped in an awkward silence. Suddenly, the weather radio on the counter crackled to life, interrupting the tension.

"Attention, residents," the robotic voice of the weather radio announced. "A tropical storm warning is in effect. Heavy rainfall and strong winds are expected. Please remain indoors and avoid unnecessary travel."

Christopher and Skye exchanged a glance, his expression morphing into that frat boy smile that Skye found both infuriating and, if she was honest with herself, a little endearing. She didn't look angry, but there was a clear hint of frustration on her face.

"Well, looks like the odds are in my favor tonight," Christopher quipped, clearly amused by the situation.

Before Skye could respond, she remembered Alyx, her roommate, and quickly grabbed her phone to call her. Alyx answered, her voice slightly muffled by the sound of laughter and music in the background. "Hey, we're at Yusuf's place. Safe and sound. You guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're fine. Just stuck at home, because of the storm," Skye replied, relief washing over her.

As if on cue, the lights flickered and went out, plunging the apartment into darkness. The weather radio repeated its message, adding that power outages were reported on several busy streets in New York City, including Fifth Avenue and Broadway.

Skye let out a frustrated grumble. The last thing she needed was to be stuck in a blackout with Christopher. "Great, just great," she muttered under her breath.

Sitting in the dim glow of the emergency lights from the building, Skye couldn't help but feel like the universe was conspiring against her. The idea of falling for Christopher, the hospital's resident heartthrob and reputed ladies' man, was something her mother would never approve of. In fact, Skye was pretty sure her mom would crucify her. And yet, here she was, in an undeniably intimate setting with him.

"Ha, thanks, universe," she mumbled sarcastically to herself.

Christopher, hearing her, leaned closer. "Is the universe really to blame here, or is it just a happy coincidence?"

Skye shot him a look, unsure whether to be annoyed or amused. But she could barely see his face. The situation was absurd, yet she couldn't deny a certain thrill in the unexpectedness of it all. As the storm raged outside, Skye realized that perhaps the most turbulent storm was the one brewing between her and Christopher. And as much as she tried to resist, she couldn't ignore the growing attraction she felt towards him.

From Christopher's perspective, the situation couldn't have been more surreal. Sitting there in the dim light with Skye, he couldn't help but notice her even more. Without the usual trappings of work – no scrubs, no professional barriers – she seemed different, more approachable, more real.

The dim emergency lighting cast a soft glow on her face, highlighting the sprinkling of freckles across her brown skin. Christopher found himself captivated by the flecks of amber in her brown eyes, a detail he had never noticed under the harsh lights of the hospital – or their surprise night together. And her scent – a comforting blend of vanilla and warm honey – was intoxicating.

As Skye began rummaging through drawers in search of a flashlight and candles, Christopher watched her, admiring her resourcefulness. She moved with a purpose, her frustration from earlier seeming to melt away into determination.

Finding what she needed, Skye set about lighting a few candles, casting a warm, flickering light around the room. The storm outside raged on, but inside Skye's apartment, a calm seemed to settle.

Christopher cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Looks like we're in for a bit of an adventure tonight."

Skye nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Seems like it. Good thing I'm prepared for power outages."

He watched her as she moved around, making sure everything was secure. In this different setting, away from the pressures of the hospital, Christopher saw a side of Skye that was both intriguing and alluring. She was independent, strong-willed, yet there was a softness to her that he hadn't noticed before.

"Do you play cards?" he asked, looking for a way to pass the time.

Skye raised an eyebrow. "I might have a deck somewhere. Why, you up for a game?"

"Definitely," Christopher replied, a hint of challenge in his tone. "Let's see who's the real master of strategy."

As Skye retrieved a deck of cards, Christopher felt a sense of anticipation. This unplanned, unexpected night was turning into an opportunity to know Skye beyond their hospital interactions. And as they sat down to play, the storm outside seemed almost irrelevant, overshadowed by the connection that was slowly forming between them.

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