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Skye's steps echoed in the quiet hallway of the hospital, her mind heavy with apprehension. The past four weeks had been a careful dance of avoidance since that intense moment with Christopher in the supply closet. Today, though, avoidance wasn't an option; they were assigned to the same case.

As she reached the nurse's station, there he was, Christopher, engaged in conversation with a fellow doctor. Skye tried to be inconspicuous, but it was futile. Christopher's eyes found hers, and that all-too-familiar smirk played on his lips.

"Morning, Skye," he greeted, his voice carrying a hint of something Skye couldn't quite place. "Looks like we're teamed up today."

Skye responded with a noncommittal nod, doing her best to keep her voice even. "Seems so."

He leaned closer, lowering his voice. "Don't worry, Skye. I'll behave," he murmured, a teasing edge to his words.

Skye felt a flush of warmth despite herself. She cursed inwardly for her reaction. "Let's keep it professional, Dr. Christopher," she said, a hint of steel in her tone.

Their day was a tightrope walk of professionalism and unresolved tension. Christopher was a constant presence, his proximity a distraction Skye struggled to ignore. His occasional brush against her, a whisper for a medical opinion that lingered too long, each interaction sent her senses into a tailspin.

Finally, Skye's patience frayed. "Can you give me some space, Christopher? I'm trying to work," she said, her voice sharp with irritation.

He raised an eyebrow, a slight smile on his face. "I'm just collaborating, Skye. But if I'm too much for you to handle..."

Skye glared at him. "This isn't about handling you. It's about maintaining a professional environment."

The rest of the shift passed with a tense undercurrent. Skye couldn't deny Christopher's competence; his medical insights were spot-on, but his constant flirtation was a test of her resolve.

As they wrapped up, Christopher approached her, his expression more serious than she'd seen before. "Skye, I want to apologize if I've been overstepping. It wasn't my intention to make you uncomfortable."

Skye was taken aback by his sincerity. "Apology accepted," she said, surprised by the relief she felt.

Christopher's smile returned, a little more genuine this time. "Maybe we could grab a drink, unwind a bit? Strictly as colleagues."

Skye hesitated, her mind a whirlwind of what-ifs. Finally, she nodded. "Alright, as colleagues."

Walking out of the hospital together, Skye's mind was a tangle of emotions. She was wary of Christopher's intentions, yet intrigued by the glimpse of sincerity she'd seen. What would a casual outing entail with someone like Christopher? She was about to find out.

Skye sat in the hospital cafeteria, poking at her dry chicken and lettuce sandwich, when her work "husband," Alex, sashayed over with his tray. His lunch was from the new trendy spot, Chicken Salad Chick, which had just opened up the street. He beamed as he set down his flavorful chicken salad, in stark contrast to Skye's bland meal.

"Girl, you need some flavor in your life, and I'm not just talking about your sandwich," Alex quipped, his tone as flamboyant as his personality.

Skye laughed, shaking her head. "I think I'm fine, thanks."

Alex and Skye had become fast friends, dubbing themselves 'work spouses' after just three months of working together. Their bond had formed quickly, built on shared humor and a mutual love for medical dramas. Alex, with his larger-than-life personality and impeccable fashion sense, was the perfect counterbalance to Skye's more reserved nature.

"So, Derek and I are hitting the club this weekend. You should come with us," Alex suggested, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "It's time you lived a little, honey."

Skye raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, clubbing isn't really my scene."

Alex waved her off. "Nonsense! Plus, Derek thinks it's high time you got out there. He made a joke about cobwebs growing around your love life."

Skye blushed, rolling her eyes. "Thanks for the reminder. But seriously, I'm not sure."

Alex leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And between you and me, I might have someone in mind for you. A setup, if you will."

Skye's eyes widened. "Alex, I don't think—"

He cut her off with a dramatic gesture. "No thinking, just fun. Trust me, Skye. What's the worst that could happen? You have a few drinks, dance a little, and maybe meet someone interesting."

Skye considered it for a moment. The idea of getting out and trying something new was tempting, especially with everything that had been going on lately. "Alright, fine. But I'm holding you responsible if this turns into a disaster."

Alex clapped his hands in delight. "It's a date! You, me, Derek, and a night of unforgettable fun."

As they finished their lunch, Skye couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and excitement. Alex always had a way of pulling her into his adventurous plans. Whether or not she'd meet someone didn't matter as much as the chance to let loose for a night, a welcome distraction from her tangled feelings about Christopher.

As they parted ways to head back to their duties, Skye felt a sense of gratitude for Alex's friendship. His unwavering support and ability to make her laugh were a constant in the unpredictable world of the hospital. With a weekend of clubbing on the horizon, Skye was curious to see what adventures awaited.

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