Start from the beginning

Then again, we were kids back then, we're adults now. You can't rely on anyone to have your back. But Antonio has a spot in my heart that will never fade, it'll last till the end of time.

"Why you look nice." Antonio compliments me, I smiled. "Thank you Antonio." I say. "I see you used your mother's wedding dress." He says, looking at the beautiful, long, silver dress.

One thing I forgot to say, Antonio knows everything about my past, he was the first person ever to know my history with my family. Other than Andrés and Alessandro. However, telling Andrés my secrets was a complete mistake, dating him in general was a complete mistake. His life is a whole mistake, he was a devil in disguise.

"I miss her a lot Antonio, the pain is unbearable." I say softly. "I get it Victoria, but you have a beautiful life ahead of you, don't let those memories interfere on your future." Antonio says apologetically. I give him a genuine smile.

Antonio's past was similar to mine, though it wasn't as painful and there wasn't as much guilt compared to mine, but it was still a heartbreaking childhood Antonio had to face.

Antonio was first noticed by the Mafia when it was pitch black outside, he was running away from home, from his abusive family. He told me that he started running away because he had enough of the bulling going on at home, enough of the abuse. He claims it ruined his mentally.

That's completely true, at least from my experience, I was completely drained out once I came to the Mafia, the constant protecting my mother and sister from my father. It felt like I was the only one they relied on, and if I didn't protect them things would go downhill, glass with be thrown, deep cuts will be appeared in their delicate skin.

As Antonio was running and running, no one knowing about his disappearance. He was running through a dirty pathway, pebbles everywhere, rocks laying on the ground waiting for him to trip on one and scrap his knee.

Once he made it to the city part of his town, he suddenly got snatched by the shoulder, that person being Alessandro. He was waiting for the perfect timing to steal Antonio. That's the thing about Alessandro he stands there in plain sight during the night time. Nobody suspects a thing.

As from what Antonio could recall, he said. 'There were two big men behind him, I was scared for my life. I soon started to regret my decisions, I slowly started to regret leaving the place that stabilized me food and roof above my head.'

'Though, once Alessandro told me I would be free, wouldn't have to worry about my abusive family, I was relieved, but I did have my suspicions as a little child, you know coming from a toxic family, it makes your whole mindset change, makes you think differently about certain things. It makes it feel more aware.'

'But then again, what was my only choice. I had nothing, I didn't even take some money with me. So I had to accept his offer though he told me I would have to work for him starting at the age of fifteen.'

I knew that all to well, same thing happened to me. My life was going downhill, quickly. It was like Alessandro came in right in the perfect timing. He recruited me at the young age of twelve, I would go to school and get my education, though I would have protection. Secretly.

After my breakup with Andrés, I decided it would be good to start working for Alessandro, the same age at Antonio, Alessandro gladly accepted my request. Then I just fell of the radar, I stopped attending school, I left everything behind. It was my time to make a name for myself, and that's what I did.

THE EYES | TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now