"They wouldn't do that would they?" Louis questions.

"They sent them out to find me when I was playing hide and seek with Gemma once and she 'forgot' to find me." I respond, causing Louis to laugh quietly then apologize. We stand up, making our way back over to my horse Darcy before riding back to the stables.

We arrived at the stables shortly after, me laughing at some random joke Louis had said seconds before. Niall sits on the gate, randomly eating an apple while smiling at us.

"You two seem happy." He says, opening the stable doors for us so we could bring the horse in. I hop off then help Louis down.

"We are." I responded.

Niall gives me a knowing look as he leads Darcy back into her stall, closing the door after he walks out of it.
"Good, I'm glad you two are happy. You better hurry inside though H, I saw a couple guards standing out there early one walked up and asked me if I saw you." He murmured.

"And what'd you say?"

"I lied of course. Said you're too much of a dick to visit me, the guard agreed with me for calling you a dick though... so sorry about that." Niall says, me rolling my eyes.

"Thanks for the warning Nigel."

"No problem Henry."

I rolled my eyes, grabbing Louis hand and running out of the stable and towards the castle, dropping his hand as we reached the doors. I take the flower crown off my head and put it gently in my pocket.

"I don't know how to act like nothing happened." I say to him, looking up at him slowly.

"I know, but I'll always be in the room across from you, alright? You just gotta hang out with the girls for a little bit then we can go read by the window again, okay?" Louis says.

"Okay." I respond, opening the door for both of us. A couple steps into the house I'm stopped by none other than my mothers assistant Olivia.

"Her majesty wishes to see you in her office." She says, her tone not displaying any emotion.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later Louis." I say, giving him a sad smile.

"See you later, your highness." Louis says, giving me a small wink before walking away. I try to contain my blush but it's pretty obvious.

I'm doomed.

I walk up to my Mum's office, entering it to find her sitting at her desk like normal.

"Harold, sit down please." She says, looking up at me as I enter. Why do I feel like I'm about to get scolded for something?

I sit down, fidgeting with my hands in my lap, waiting for her to speak.

"A guard spotted you leaving the grounds on horseback with Mr. Tomlinson. You lied to me, you weren't studying. What were you doing?" She asked, I felt my blood run cold.

"I was teaching him about horseback riding, he's never ridden a horse before until today. I figured it would be a good learning experience since he plans to work with horses one day." I lie, mentally beating myself up for getting me in this position.

"That's kind of you Harold but you don't have to lie to me about it, if you weren't going to study you could have just said so this morning." I sigh in relief as she believes my lie.

"I'm sorry Mum, I won't lie to you again." Another lie.

"Good, now I believe the girls should be waiting in your living room area right now, I had a maid drop them off there with some tea. Go and talk to them." She says, giving me a smile.

Dancing With Our Hands Tied [L.S.] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang