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Staring at the night sky, willing for it to happen, was never a good start.

Tonight was the night of the red moon, my second one with Emmett. This time, we have taken more precautions to ensure no one gets hurt, even though I know I will only crave one person, but still, we don't want to take any chances.

We moved back to Italy and found a place away from humans. We came back here five years ago after traveling around a few places, but Italy was more for us, and felt more home. The art was my favourite thing; they had so much to offer. But there was also the scenery and the people. Everything was magical here and no one had any idea who or what we were. We keep to ourselves and only go into town for a few date nights.

Over the last fifteen years, the house that we have back in the small town is still there and is now being run by Claudia and Hugh. They bought the house from Emmett, which came as a surprise when we came back home to meet Whitney and Sasha's mates. They wanted to keep a haven for all vampires and other supernaturals around. They opened it up to others a few years and it has been filled ever since.

All our friends were living with their mates and loving life. We all meet up once a year for a month, picking a place that we all have never been and enjoy it together. It was the one thing we agreed to, but it could change over time.

When we learned that there was going to be a new red moon, Emmett and I wanted to be far away, but somewhere where we loved.

Big arms wrapped around me, which pulled me from my thoughts. His head goes to my neck, placing a kiss on my neck. "Won't be long," Emmett murmured. "All the doors and windows are locked. No one can get in and we definitely can't get out."

My anxiety spiked.

Remembering what happened the last time, Emmett lost control. Will I be the same? Emmett stated he still can't remember what happened. The only time he realized that something happened was when he came around and I was covered in blood.

"Stop overthinking," Emmett whispered, moving his head up slightly when a pink shadow filled the room. My eyes darted to the moon and watched it turn red slowly till the entire sky lit up red.

I felt my fangs prod through and something took over me. My body didn't feel like my own anymore.

A low growl rumbled through the room from behind, making me turn to find Emmett staring at me, his fangs out and his eyes bright red. I let out a hiss, but he used his speed and slammed me up against the wall. I felt darkness take over me, praying that there would be no disaster of any kind when this was all over.

Groaning, I moved slowly and felt I was something laying on something soft. I moved my hand to my eyes. I rubbed them until I could see through them again. My eyes widened when they scanned around the room. Emmett and I were still in the same room, which seemed to be a good sign, but the sight was like a tornado hit us.

Groaning came from the side of me and movement. I looked and watched Emmett sit up, slowly rubbing his eyes. "Fuck," he grunted, moving to look at me. "I feel sore."

I move toward him, but I flinch. I look down and notice holes in my inner thighs. I moved my hand over them but they were slowly disappearing. What the hell did we do?

"Hey," Emmett said, making me look back at him. "We are still in the same room and looking seeing the time, it was only for fifteen minutes."

"What the hell happened?" I asked, looking around the room. "The room looked like we were fighting more than fucking."

Emmett chuckled.

"Yeah, it does," he said. "Judging by how I feel and you look. We must have been trying to get to one another and couldn't get enough."

I looked ahead, trying to suss out the situation.

Emmett moved and placed his hand under my chin, making me look back at him. "Don't worry about anything," he said. "We will rest and have more fun later once I have tidied everything up."

I nodded and moved toward him. I pressed my lips against his and pulled back. "I love you," I whispered with a smile.

"I love you too," he said, moving fast and pinning me to the bed. His legs spread mine, which caused me to hiss.

"Now," he murmured, leaning into my neck. His cock hardens against my slit. "Or should we fuck once more, darling? Then you will have a shower and paint. While I make sure our appointment is still going ahead tomorrow."

Excited flooded me, which made me smile.

"Do you think we will adopt them?" I asked, making Emmett look back at me with a grin. "Definitely. I mean, who wouldn't want you as their mother?"

Emmett and I have been in talks about extending our family. I have always wanted children, and over the last five years, we decided to adopt a supernatural baby. Apparently, there are a few who need a home. Emmett and I did loads of research about it and found an organization that can help us. They help anyone who is supernatural to have children.

Tomorrow will be the day we will meet two werewolf cubs and see if they are a right fit for us. Our home here is perfect for all kinds. We have loads of acres for all to run and play. Plenty of room for more when the time is right.

Shaking away my thoughts, I felt Emmett's lips on my neck again. "what does my darling want?" he murmured against my neck. "Me or—"

"You," I moaned, his tip slowly entering me.

There was nothing more that I wanted than him. This man is my world, and now we are finally making a home somewhere and wanting a family. A life for ourselves and future children.

What more could we ever want in life?


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