Chapter 41

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After a long shower, a fresh pair of clothes, and a shave, I felt like a new man. Gage was right. I would feel better, but that never stopped me from feeling guilty.

Gage came into the hotel room, telling me that his mate was downstairs and was still scared after what happened to her by the warehouse. He would bring her back to the house with us, which meant we would have to use transportation to get back and not our speed.

Gage arranged for a taxi to come to collect us, and we all set off. I said nothing to either of them, keeping my eyes trained out the window. I watched everything pass me by till the house came into view two hours later.

My stomach churned.

Opening the door when the taxi came to a stop, I stepped out and looked up. How could I feel so nervous about the house I lived in for years? Gage and his mate moved toward the house, with me following behind them.

Stepping into the house, my eyes scanned around the party until I landed on the beauty who was dancing with her friends in the middle of the dance floor. It took everything in me not to walk over to Lena grab her and take her.

Shaking my damn thoughts away, I wandered further into the party, keeping to the edges. I was stopped by almost everyone welcoming him back. Rosemary was one and even introduced me to her mate, who seemed nice.

After a while, I excused myself from the party. Gage knew I needed to go. I needed to be by myself before I talked to Lena about my absence. I needed to collect my thoughts and explain why I left her as I did.

I walked up the stairs and even walked straight past my room and headed to her room instead. I needed her scent to calm me.

The further I walked away, the quieter it was getting. I stopped right outside her room and closed my eyes. Her scent lingered. Opening my eyes, I placed my hand on her door handle and opened the door. I looked around and took in the room. Everything was still the same, except for the stack of canvases by the wall. I walked further in and looked around until I stopped by the canvases.

Placing my hand on the top, I looked through them. Taking in the images before me, they were each different except the last two. They were off me. One in my human face, but the other was my true face. The face that caused all this.

My stomach sank, placing all the canvases back tidy. I move away and walk over to the balcony door. The curtains weren't drawn, so I could look out at the scenery.

The moon shone through some clouds that hovered by, but the scene looked as magical as ever. I missed this.

Movement came from outside the room, which made me tense.

The scent wafted toward me, making everything in my insides ignite. I have craved her more, but until I face her and promise her the world to make up for what I did to her. There was no way I would get to be with her.

I heard her footsteps until she was inside the room, but I didn't turn around. Closing my eyes, I take a breath in and out.

"Emmett," Lena whispered, her voice cracked.

Opening my eyes, I looked up to the moon and sent a prayer to whoever would hear me. I slowly turn around until I lock eyes with her, my mate.

Fuck. I drink every inch of her up, taking in her appearance. She looks out of this world.

Before I can speak, Lena beats me to it and doesn't hold back with what comes out of her mouth. "I know everything," she said, making my eyes widen. "I remember everything. Every memory you took away from me."

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