Chapter 32

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My eyes stayed on the door until I heard the lock.

My mind raced over everything that I had told her. All I could do now was pray that she would be safe.

It was taking everything I had not to go back inside and pin her to that damn bed again. Have my wicked way with her, like the last two days, and claim her. I was hard after having her on my lap, only for a few seconds, but her scent was so inviting.

Kissing me was another big mistake, but I couldn't push her away. I wanted her like my next breath. I needed to get everything that we had just done out of my head, or this wasn't going to be good for any of us.

Shaking my thoughts away and turning on my heel, I walk away and head down the stairs.

Over the last two days, I have spent most of my time with Lena. Everything was great and even got to stay the nights too. I showed her to a few rooms in my section, but Lena was more interested in some books I had. So, we grabbed some to take them back with us.

Lena asked if I could read to her, and I did. I thought nothing about it. I used to do it before I took her memories away. I remember her telling me her mother used to do it when she was younger. She was only twelve at the time, and I inserted myself back into her life when I stayed away for two years. It was hard to be away from her, and I wanted to know how she was doing.

Many times I would read, and she would fall asleep. It was no different now. She rested her head on my lap and would fall asleep after the second chapter. I would feel her heavy breathing and I would place the book down and stroke her hair for a while.

I felt at ease with her, and sometimes while she slept, I would watch her. I would move her to the side and stare. That was all I could do. Sometimes, I went down and spent some time in the office finishing some paperwork, but came back up here before she woke so it looked like I went nowhere. I would make sure coffee was ready for her, knowing that she liked to have a cup when she got up.

To Lena, I just picked it up, making it out. She or her friends told me but I knew her routine and more. Everything from her past was sketched across my mind like a film of her life. Times when I went to see her and left, taking what I could from her.

Shaking my thoughts away and walking to the office, I knew Gage was waiting for me. I walked straight in, only it wasn't just Gage—Claudia too was there. I smiled at her and headed over to my desk. I sat down and looked at them.

"Is she all locked away?" she asked, staring at me. I could see the concern. Her eyes stayed on me but looked to the floor, and there were the chains I was using to keep me in the office until the red moon was gone. It was supposed to keep me in here, but half of me was worried, and judging by Claudia's face, she was, too.

"She is," I said, looking back at her.

Claudia nodded.

"When are you heading out?" I asked, moving my head to the side and changing the subject from me and Lena.

Claudia glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. "Now," she murmured, looking back at me. "I just wanted to make sure you both were ready."

I said nothing, but Gage did. "There is nothing to worry about," he said, sounding confident. "The chains will keep him safe, and I will make sure he is locked in. I'm coming straight back to let him out."

I looked over at Claudia, who looked at him and seemed to be unconvinced by all this. "I think you should reconsider," she said, looking back at me. "Lena may get hurt in all this. I want nothing to happen to you or to Lena."

I let out a sigh and looked toward my friend, who seemed to smiling. "I will never let you down," he said. "I promise."

They were the most famous last words that would come out of his mouth, but I trust Gage. I have for years and he has always been by my side, even through the entire process with Lena.

Claudia stared at me and sighed. "I trust you," she said, looking at me. "I don't want you to do something that you will regret."

Claudia looks between us and turns to leave, but stops by the door. "The girls have already left and so have most of the others," she said. "I will see you tomorrow."

I gave her a nod and she left.

My eyes went to Gage, who grinned. "Don't look so worried," he said, handing me a bottle of blood. I opened it and took a huge swig. I needed it after seeing Lena. She was still roaming around my head.

I leaned back in my chair and looked up at the ceiling. "I hope I don't escape," I muttered. "I don't know what I will do if I hurt her."

"You won't," Gage said. "I will place the chains on you now. You have to wait for another hour or two before the red moon appears. You can rest."

That's easier said than done. I can't seem to rest.

After drinking all the bottles and staring at the ceiling more, Gage got up and placed the chains on me. I moved up and watched each one being placed on my wrists and ankles.

Gage makes sure they are on tight and that I can't move out of them. I tried, but there was nothing to give.

"I will see you in a few hours," he said. Glancing at him when he walked out of the office, I waited till I heard him lock the office door.

I was now officially locked in.

Leaning further in my chair, I get comfy and turn to face the window.

The sky was getting dark, which meant that it was going to appear soon. Closing my eyes, I let my thoughts drift away. Vampires don't sleep, but we can rest with our eyes shut. It is a good way to clear my mind, but my mind was invaded with images of Lena. All I wanted was her.

Time ticked by. I felt a slight change. My eyes flew open, and looked through the window. It was red, but that wasn't the issue. There was something more prominent. I felt my teeth prod through and hiss. My emotions heightened, making me growl with need when another image of Lena flooded my mind from last night. I move my arms and legs, trying to escape the chains.

Chains clunked against the floor, but I shook uncontrollably. Trying to free myself.

After a few moments, my mind phased, feeling like a different kind of beast.

All I had in mind was Lena until I blacked out.

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