There was a complete chaos, firing sound was echoing in the background.

After few minutes more of Stefan's men barged inside the mansion, Alex cursed under his breath looking at them.

"Daniel and team 4 come for backup and call few others, immediately."

"On it boss." The reply came within seconds and soon the team 4 barged inside and started firing the rivals.

The place was in complete disarray, blood was pooled up everywhere. Alex's shoulder was still bleeding and he was in lot of pain, he was trying so hard to ignore it but the pain was getting unbearable for him.

He ducked down reloading his gun and aimed straight at Stefan and fired without thinking twice.

The bullet straight pierced in his upper arm and he looked furiously in the direction of the one who shot him and as he saw Alex, his eyes turned dark in pure rage.

Alex again fired in his direction but this time Stefan ducked down and shoot him back but fortunately it didn't damaged Alex.

With that Daniel and his team came in the living room and started shooting Stefan's men.

As Alex and his men were overpowering the situation soon the rivals entered the room in an enormous number.

It was now 200 vs 50. Alex was extremely tired and the severe bleeding of his wound wasn't doing him any favour.

It's been more than half an hour now and almost 180 men of Stefan's dead whereas only 5 men were alive from Alex's side.

Alex was about to shoot the others but got stopped when he heard a voice.

He looked behind.

"If you move an inch he will die." Stefan laughed looking at Alex's expression.

Stefan was pointing his gun on Daniel's head, he was kneeled down facing Alex.

"Alex, don't think and shoot him already." Daniel voiced out to get fired straight on his back, he yelped in pain.

"You fucking motherfucker don't you dare touch him." Alex yelled his eyes were fixed on Daniel and it was showing millions of emotions.

Stefan started laughing and ordered his men to kill the last five men from Alex's team.

They all died in a heartbeat and Alex closed his eyes unable to look at the dead bodies of his men.

Daniel tried to get up from his place but Stefan shoot him again but this time on his leg.

Alex aimed his gun straight on Stefan's forehead, and Stefan's men aimed on Alex.

"Fucking kill him already, I want to see him die Alex please kill him." Daniel pleaded his eyes showing the truth but it was too risky for Alex.

"I fucking can't lose you, the only family left." Alex roared in frustration unable to see his bestfriend aka brother in this situation.

Stefan was laughing like a maniac seeing his only son in his vulnerable state.

"Take my life but spare him." Alex finally admitted his defeat.

"Kneel down." Stefan laughed saying this.

Alex's eyes were fixed on Daniel and his bloody state, Daniel shook his head but Alex kneeled down, his jaws were clenched.

"Beg." He ordered again and his men started laughing.

"Alex, if you do that I'll kill you myself."

Alex took this as an opportunity and tried to shoot Stefan and luckily the bullet pierced on his chest, straight on his heart.

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