I opened the front door dragging my bags in, the house was complete dark except for the light coming from the big windows by the drawing room. Walking towards the couch I notice a figure sitting in Pawpaw's big chair. It was actually at my grandparent's home but after Nana died papa brought the chair home in remembrance of Pawpaw.

Taking a few steps towards it when the figure spoke suddely scaring the living shit out of me, "are you finally here to end the last piece of your game?"


What is he doing here and not sleeping? Doesn't he have work tomorrow or he has already given everything to Arthur permanently? If so, the havoc is gonna come soon. I can't wait to tease Arthur about it.

"Papa? Why are you sitting here and not sleeping? You almost scared the living shi- I mean crap outta me" My words made him snap out of the chair. He turns towards me as if he can't believe I am standing in front of him, gosh I miss him too. My old man. 

His face was not visible due to darkness but his figure looked like it was shaking,"Mara? What are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here?" His words were full of fear. No, he is terrified. I took a step closer to hold his hands so that he could embrace me into a tight hug like always but instead he took a step back, "you need to leave. Mara, you need to leave. Now!"

His raising tone widens my eyes, Papa never raises his voice no matter how worse my deed were so why now? Did I do something wrong? Does he know about Ridge? "But papa..'' I trail while looking around, the house too silent. "Where's Momma?"

My question almost made him flinch, "your Mom? You don't know?"

"What are you talking about? Where's momma? You are acting really weird. " I said, taking another step towards him.

But instead giving in he took two steps backwards shaking his head, "There's no time for this. They'll be here any moment, you need to leave, Mara." Desperate, was how he sounds.

He took my luggage and grabbed my arms by pulling me towards the back door but stopped midway. His body froze and face almost went pale instantly.

Turning around immediately he took me to his office, opening the bookshelf that revealed a hidden closet. He pushed me inside to lock the door ignoring my demands to know why he was doing this.

The almoir has small cracks making me able to watch the office somewhat clearly. I don't know why Papa was acting that way, why he was so scared but his bloodshot eyes were making my heart beat faster every second.

"Promise me, Marilyn, no matter what you see or hear you will not come out. Promise me," how can I make that promise, how can I not do anything if he is facing some problem. My eyes were turning glossy, I wanted to fight him back but he wouldn't let me. His eyes hold firm determination like he won't let it go before I make that promise.

"Papa—why are you doing this," my words were turning hoarse and broken. Where is Mom? "Let's call Mom okay?" I tried to break away from him to grab my phone from my purse.

"Your mom?" He was smiling now, a smile so sad, and empty. Like he has already given up, "there is no Mom, Marilyn." His words were like a million arrows shot at me. It felt like the world stopped suddenly. Why is there no Mom? Where is she?

I turned my gaze towards him, holding his shoulders tightly and firmly shaking and shaking demanding to explain what he meant but his gaze was gone, lost. They were distant, but I want my Father back. Why is he not smiling, laughing or happy that I am back? Why is he acting so strange?  "Promise me Marilyn. That's all I am asking from you, a simple promise. You can do that for your Papa right? "

What is wrong with everybody? Why are they asking me to do things they've never asked before? First Tabi and now Papa. What the actual fuck is happening right now? What are they not saying?

The Runaway CheatWhere stories live. Discover now