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Holding her hand tightly tangled in my fingers we walked into the field of wildflowers. She loves them and says 'I envy them, they are free and fierce, tall and brave' so I took her to the place she desires the most to make her mine.

" Can you please say something about where we are going?" She asked me, looking all anxious and amused at the same time. Those eyes.

" Few more minutes and we'll be there," trying my best and doing everything in my willpower to not spill the surprise after looking at those eyes.

"You are saying that for almost 30 minutes now Ridge, my legs are–oh my god! Those are wildflowers, right? Right? You are taking me to a wildflowers field!" She started jumping on her feet with excitement and I cannot feel more proud than this moment.

"I thought you forgot your glasses. How did you know those are wildflowers? Damn, I underestimated your eyes off glasses, I should have put you into a blindfold." I say teasing her about one thing she hates the most. Her eyes. But I adore them. Those emerald greens say so much to me that I can drown in them and never come back.

She replied, slapping my elbow "I just have myopia, I'm not completely blind, asshole."

"Ow violent women," sulking as if it hurt.

She rolled her eyes at my poor acting "can we please go faster? You are so slow. Let's run?" And without even waiting to hear my reply she took off dragging me with her. As we reached the middle of the field she closed her eyes, arms wide open and hugged the breeze of scent. And all I could do was stare and ask God, what did I do to deserve her?

" You love them that much?" I asked even though I know the answer.

" Yeah, they are free and fierce, tall and brave."

"Now, stop looking around and keep your eyes on me. I'm getting jealous over here."

"Ehh you and your two-second high-functioning jealousy. Shove it in your back pocket please."

"Okay, I can do that only if you turn around and look at me and not get distracted for at least 5 minutes. Is that possible?" I said with my heart pumping so fast that I can almost hear it.
It's happening.

"Ridge stops calling me stupid I can very well focus on something for more than five minutes." She said, turning around and looking at me on one knee and going into full shock.
Well, that was expected.

"Ridge what are–" interrupting her midway I started,

"Baby, I know you are a bit shocked and confused but it is what it looks like." And with every word her eyes were becoming glossy. But I continued, "I know when we first met we decided to ask nothing about each other's personal life and enjoy our time in Channel for three months but I want to say every single thing about my life to you. I want you to be a part of that life. I know it is too soon and we have so much more to do but I have no doubt that it's you with whom I want to do all those things. I will never give you up, baby never. So believe me for once and all. My little lovely Mara Louisa, will you marry me?"

"You want to marry me?" she asked, somehow wiping her tears.

"Yes, women, I want to marry you." Who wouldn't?

She drops to the ground on her knees, "yes my Ridge I will marry you. Of course, I'll marry you, oh my God we are getting married!" and she cries again. I put the band on her fingers which I bought from a nearby church weeks ago. Nothing big but exactly how she likes.

Simple and beautiful.

"I love you, baby, you and I are forever. You hear me?" I said kissing those lips which started all this. And I knew once I tasted them it was a game over for me. And I'm so glad that's exactly what I did. "Forever," she repeated.

"Stop crying. Please stop crying, baby"

"You just got on your knees to put that ring on me. Of course, I'd cry. Am I your fiance now? "

"Yes, and I'm yours," dropping a kiss on her temple.

"I love you so much, my big pump, Ridge," she says.

Her Ridge.
My Mara.

Morning light slipped through my cottage windows, seagulls calling to remind me of morning arrival. It's my last day in Channel before I get back to my real life which I pushed to the corner of my head till this moment. But at least I'll be going back with her. She makes everything good. Without opening my eyes, I reach my arm to bring her into my embrace because I'm already feeling empty and cold without her. But she wasn't in bed. Maybe she went to the washroom. Sometimes I feel like she has diabetes compared to the times she went to piss.

"Princess, get your ass back up here. Immediately! " I yell from the bed. And drifted back to sleep again. But after ten minutes when she didn't come back, I went looking for her wondering what's taking her so long but she wasn't there. Thinking to find her in the kitchen I went downstairs but she wasn't there as well. I looked from my balcony towards the beach hoping maybe she went surfing but the beach was empty. Slowly the panic was rising in me, giving me all the reasons how something went bad. Where is she?

I called her number but it went straight to voicemail. I ran to Cara's dining, maybe she went there to buy us breakfast.  "Cara, did Mara come here? " I asked the moment I spotted her.

"No, I'm waiting for her as well. We'll be taking customers within 15 minutes but she isn't here yet." Cara replied.

"When I woke up she wasn't in the cottage," I almost whispered. "Oh God, where did she go? I'll look around, if she comes here, tell her to find me immediately."

"Yeah, look around she must be somewhere doing something absolutely silly," Cara said with a smile. I wish that's the case as well. But something in me tells me it isn't. As I turn around to exit David walks in, "hey Dev, did you see Mara on the way here?" Cara asked.

"Mara? Umm yea I saw her yesterday night at the port waiting for a boat." He replied.

"Boat? What boat? To where?" I asked with a voice that clearly stated panic.

"When I asked her where she was headed she replied she is going back to handle something." He replied looking kind of confused.
Handle Something? In Madrid? That's not possible, she didn't say anything like that. We were supposed to go back to London and then fly to Madrid to meet her parents.

"Mara left? Didn't she tell you about it?" Cara asked, looking at me. No, she didn't. And she will not leave me like this. I ran to our cottage trying her phone on the way but it went straight to voicemail again and again. Where did she go? Running straight to our bedroom I opened our closet.


It was empty, all of her clothes were gone. All that was left were my two T-shirts. She left. She left without saying anything. I poured multiple texts and voicemail to her number asking her to call me back immediately. I sat down on the bed dropping my head in my hands. After what feels like an eternity I dial a number I have been avoiding this whole time.

"Ridge?" The other side called.

"Arrange a private jet for me. I'm flying to Madrid." And I hung up.

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ was it? This chapter was written almost three months ago. Mara's character is so me. I am that person who talks all the time if your vibe matches mine. Anyway, I am not a professional writer, I write to pour all my emotions into words because a dear diary does not work for me. I make a character and used my feelings to design them.
So........byeeeeee annyeong💕💖

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