14. Thoughts

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Henry: "So what have you been doing for work while I was out?"

Emi: "I found work at this womans shop, her names Hana."

Emi: "I also scavenged a bit for a guy named Festus."

Emi: "Hes an older guy who keeps to himself but he knows almost everything there is to know about the city."

Henry listened as Emi spoke taking in all of the information she was providing him, one thing he couldn't shake though was the sense of dread he felt from this city. It's one thing to not be accepted but they were to be completely ignored, Atom City, the shining oasis in the inhospitable desert, a haven for the wayward, a safehaven for all the bandits and scavengers of New Mexico. Of all the emotions Henry was feeling now one prevailed above all else, melancholy.

Atom City was supposed to be the one place they could live, the one true place that they could call home for once. But they soon came to realize that just like many others they were expendable, their lives were nothing but a statistic to the people with the real power. Henry knew very well that Atom City was by no means a permenant residence for both of them especially with the gangs hunting them and the corrupt government. But the thing which scared him the most was how the people put up with it.

Henry couldn't necessarily comprehend why the people of this city sat back and allowed this blatant corruption to grow. Henry was brought back to reality rather quickly as he heard Emi's voice speaking to him about her job and workplace and asking him if he wanted to see it. Henry obliged since he wanted to know more about what Emi had been doing over the time he had been recovering from his wounds in the hospital. Henry was still hurt from the wounds but at this point the hospital was too dangerous and Henry was well enough to continue.

As Henry and Emi walked through the cities streets Henry had gotten his first good look at what Atom City actually looked like. Just like Emi before him he was in awe by just how big and expansive the city was, as well as how beautiful the city looked. It was a shame Henry thought, that such a city was lead by a government so corrupt, the people of the city weren't the problem at all. Atom City truly was beautiful on the outside, he had even began to forget just how many problems the city had.

People everywhere running stalls selling a variety of different goods, stores advertising all kinds of stuff Henry had never even heard of before. How could Henry hate something that seemed so beautiful he thought to himself, every person was like the rest, all playing their part and doing their jobs. These were good people who hadn't done anything wrong, they had a role and they played that role almost perfectly.

Everything looked almost natural to Henry, like watching the trees and plants in the bio section of the shelter. As Henry and Emi arrived they were greeted by Hana who shook Henry's hand.

Hana: "You must be Henry, ive heard a lot about you."

Henry: "Oh really?"

Emi: "Hey-"

Hana: "Oh don't be so rude Emi, me and Henry are having a conversation."

Hana: "So Henry, I hear you and Emi are a couple yes?"

Henry: "Uhh yeah, you could say that." Henry said, visibly blushing from the exchange.

Hana: "No need to be emberassed, I think you two are great for each other."

At this point both Henry and Emi were visibily blushing and Hana knew it, instead of tormenting the couple any longer Hana bid them farewell since Emi didn't have work that day. As they left the store both of the couldn't help but notice just how awkward the silence between them was, neither of them had really confirmed they were a couple.

Emi: "Henry I-"

Henry wasted no time in pulling Emi into a long and heartfelt kiss, he already knew what she was gonna ask.

Henry: "Yes Emi, I love you and I want to be with you."

No more words needed to be said, the two lovebirds quickly embraced in another kiss, perhaps for once love could prevail in a place like this...

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