Breaking Step, Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

Tibs screamed, and the water boiled.

* * * * *

"That is enough," the woman's gentle voice said.

No, it wasn't. It would never be. Tibs wouldn't stop until there was nothing left of Sebastian's legacy or of the guild. He would burn—

"I said that is enough." The voice was no less gentle for being firmer, but it pushed Tibs's anger away. It didn't encase it in ice, as he did, cooling it until he barely felt its ember. She put distance between it and Tibs. He knew it was still rage, but that distance reduced its influence.

But it didn't remove it.

"Why?" he demanded. "Why did she have to die?" He stood. "Why did you let her die?"

Water smiled sadly. "I do not have influence on your world, Child of Human."

"Why not? Your essence gets there. So why aren't you deciding who gets it and what they have to do to use it? Why aren't you and the others making sure we stop always hurting each other?"

"You know why," she answered gently. "You simply chose not to acknowledge it because you want someone to hurt."

Tibs closed his mouth on the reply. He wasn't here to lash out. He was here for answers. He forced himself to ignore the rage.

"How did I have an audience with Metal?"

"You met the requirements."

"But you didn't say I had to have one. You said that after I had Corruption, Light, Purity, and Darkness, I'd have unlocked what happens next. I can turn my reserve into any element I channel now."

"And you thought it would be the end of it," she stated.

Tibs sighed. He had, hadn't he? But... "Will it ever end? Am I going to have to chase after all the elements?"

She considered him, flowing down to a knee, so they were eye-to-eye. "You are not required to do anything. You are on a path..." she smiled. "You are on a stairwell where each of us can help you move to the next step. But you can stop anytime you desire. You can return to it, or not, as you decide."

At least the choice was his. "What happens when I reach the top of that stairwell?"

"It ends."

That sounded ominous.

"But I don't have to go that far."

"This is your path, Child of Human. How far along you go is only for you to decide."

"Do you have any advice for me?"

She smiled. "Choose wisely, but with the power comes danger."

"I already know to be careful not to let the guild know what I can do," he replied bitterly. He'd hoped for something useful. He noticed her smile had turned sad. Had he misunderstood what she'd meant? Was she warning him that others would be a danger to him? That the power itself could be a danger to him and other? He knew fire was. Did she mean... why was he asking himself those questions?

"Can you explain what you mean?"

"The warning is the extent of what I can do. The rest of for you to work out."

Of course it was. "Is there an order in which I should seek the other elements?" How many were there? Two and four, maybe? Alistair had said something about the Arcanus and Letters.

"The order is also for you to decide. Although, because of what you are, some may come to you without having to seek them. But what you are will not protect you, or ensure you reach them. Remain vigilant."

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