Breaking Step, Chapter 08

Start from the beginning

"Teams will be required to start on the floor they are ranked at so an efficient flow can be maintained, and each team will be allocated a fixed amount of time to complete it. If they clear it early, they can venture on the next one, but still must exit by the end of their allocated time to avoid having teams cross path."

Tibs wondered how she was planning on enforcing it. It wasn't like she could close the door on anyone who stayed beyond when she said. Even with the shield telling them how close they were to when the next team was about to enter, once they started dealing with Sto's creatures and traps, it was hard to keep track of time.

"The Omegas will be an exception as the first floor is an especially difficult challenge for those who have never run a dungeon before. Each day, four Upsilon teams, and two Rho teams will do their runs."

Were any of the teams Upsilon? A few of the Upsilon Runners had survived Sebastian's raids, but wouldn't that have helped them graduate, if there had been enough of them to even make a team? None of the rogues or sorcerers were at that rank. Did the leader determine the team's rank, or was it arbitrarily assigned?

Two and six teams—if they were all Rho—meant Tibs's team would go in every one and three days. For every two teams that were Upsilon, they'd go one day sooner. Jackal was going to be happy about that.

"You are all worthy representative of the guild!" she announced, and Tibs was surprised at the lack of light on the words, considering the lack of respect her decisions had shown for them during Sebastian's attacks. "I look forward to the day you all become adventurers!" She walked down the incline, and the two guards and cleric headed up the steps.

Irdian left with Tirania as the Clerks motioned and workers brought tables and placed them next to the board. Tibs watched them set up, papers to note what the Runners brought out, what they were allowed to keep, how much they were scammed for when the guild forced them to buy an item they're earned by surviving their run.

"What are you still doing there?" one of the clerk asked on noticing them. She had the blue eyes of Water. "Go." She motioned to the stairs.

"Finally!" Sto exclaimed. "You are going to have so—Wait a minute," he added when Tibs reached the third step. "What is he doing with you?"

Tibs didn't answer. He couldn't, and he expected that without the ice filling him, he would have laid into the sorcerer for making it impossible for Tibs to talk with Sto.

"Ganny, what am I supposed to do?" he called. "If Don's on Tibs's team, can he use the room I set up?"

The cleric looked them over and gave Don a reproachful look, but nodded and they were allowed inside.

"I guess that if he's on his team," she replied, sounding as she was arriving, "Tibs must have told him about what he can do."

Tibs glared at the ceiling.

"I think that's a no," Sto said. "And Tibs would have told me if he was going to tell Don."

"His presence is going to be a problem, then. How is Tibs going to practice his other elements?"

"Maybe I can rework the third floor to force him apart from the others," Sto mused. "Tibs won't have to worry, then."

"And how long until Don questions what's happening? He is one of the smarter Runners."

"What's he going to do?" Sto asked and continued mockingly. "Tell them I'm targeting him? Tell the guild? They think I'm some kind of animal." He paused. "Maybe I can just kill him."

"That's going to take some doing," she replied. "Anything that will ensure Don dies will endanger the whole team."

"Tibs'll be fine," he replied confidently.

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