Breaking Step, Chapter 07

Start from the beginning

"Then we'll do our runs without a sorcerer until more arrive or gain their elements."

"Teams must have five—"

"We're get someone else," Tibs snapped, then fought against showing the strain of keeping the cracks in the ice from widening.

She shook her head. "While I'm allowing repeats for most teams who can't fill every role, much like before the clerics arrived, you're a special case. I need your team to be complete for your run."

"Then we'll pass on the runs until there are other sorcerers."

"No. You saved this town, both of you, so it's only just that you go first. You are a symbol of what can be done by working together."

Tibs snorted derisively, but he also wondered why Don wasn't reacting to the praise. The man lived to drink in people saying how important he was.

"You can't make me take him," Tibs snarled.

She leveled her gaze at him. "Do you prefer I assign your friends to different teams so I can make one for you that won't include Don?"

"You can't do that," Tibs said in stunned surprised.

She smiled. "I'm the guild leader, Tibs. I can do whatever needs to be done to ensure the guild prospers. Right now, we need the boost to morale having the two of you on the same team will bring; show that even in adversity, the guild succeeds. But if Don's mistakes are such that you can't work with him now that the danger is past, I am certain I can use how each of you chose to lead a team to greatness as a motivator."

"You can't do everything you want," Tibs said before he could stop himself; and ignored the lack of light on her words as he continued. "You don't lead the guild; there's someone giving you orders. That's why there's a new guard leader." Just because she hadn't lied didn't mean what she said had to be true.

"Of course, someone gives me orders," she replied with a chuckle. "The guild is much too large for me to be in charge of it all. And yes, they assigned Irdian when Harry vanished. They found out before I'd realized it. I was too busy making the arrangements for the new Omegas to be sent here. But this dungeon is my responsibility. Here, I have the authority to do what I see fit to strengthen the guild." She steepled her fingers again. "What will it be, Tibs? Will your team be the Team of Heroes? Or will I have five teams led by heroes?"

Tibs forced aside her acknowledgment she wasn't in charge of everything and focussed on the ice so he could think.

His plans weren't formed, so having to change his target could be accommodated, and was for a future time. Don was what he needed to deal with now, and she wasn't giving him any choice. He filled the cracks as they formed so his voice would remain steady.


He stood and headed for the door. Glaring at the clerk on the other side hard enough, she stepped back and held the papers to her chest. He walk by her and froze when he realized Don was at his side. Tibs opened his mouth to make sure he knew what he thought of this arrangement, but the distant, hollow gaze gave him pause enough he noticed the pale skin within the hood's shadow, how prominent the bones were.

Then he heard the clerk speak.

"Guild leader, I have an important missive from Marger for you, with instruction to return your responses immediately."

"I have already sent him my report," Tirania snapped. "What more does he want of me?"

"I'm sorry," the clerks aid sheepishly, "I'm not—"

"Close the door. This is not something for any passerby to listen in on."

Tibs cursed the enchantment within the walls. No sounds made it out once the door closed. Then remembered Don, who hadn't moved. He wouldn't have been able to listen in and confirm if this Marger was the person in charge of the entire guild. The sorcerer was bound to report everything Tibs did to Tirania.

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