Chapter 2

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At the store, Jessica and Simon were standing in line at the checkout waiting for their turn to checkout since all the lines are long as mostly everyone was shopping to have food just in case everyone gotten snowed in because of the huge snowstorm that was forecasted to hit all of Seattle, which both Simon and Natalia started planning to fly home to their respective cities before the storm started. Still standing, Simon peered into the cart as he saw everything that Jessica was buying.

"Is all this stuff necessary?" He questioned.

"Since you and Natalia are planning to travel back home, we need food, especially if that snowstorm hits, which I'll be at the apartment by myself." She answered.

"You have enough to food to feed an entire army here, like seriously, last time I saw this amount of food is when I used to go grocery shopping with my mom."

While continuing to talk about Jessica's excessive food buying, Simon noticed the line was moving up as he directed her to move up. Just when Jessica moved up in the line, another woman deliberately cut in front of her to her annoyance.

"You saw that, right?" She asked, looking at Simon.

"Jess, just let it go as it's not worth it." Simon remarked, referring to Jessica's temper.

Jessica's the type of person where she loves meeting new people as her, but what she didn't love was liars, backstabbers, rudeness, and everything else in between, but she also had a temper especially with the rudeness.

"No, I'm not letting it go and I'm not like you or Natalia as the two of you want to avoid conflict which you should know me by now."

Jabbing the woman on her shoulder a bit aggressively, the woman turned to Jessica, looking at her up and down with a smug look on her face.

"Can I help you?" The woman beckoned.

"Yeah, you can help me by getting in the back of line like a decent human being, like how do you sleep at night?" Jessica said.

"First of all, I sleep well at night and secondly, it looked like you wasn't in line to begin with."

As Jessica made a snarky comment about the fact that the woman looked like she doesn't get enough sleep based on the bags underneath her eyes, the woman got offended as she was about to go head to head with Jessica in a screaming match until Simon pulled Jessica away to another checkout line that another cashier had opened.

As the two of them placed the items onto the conveyor belt as the cashier started scanning and bagging everything, Jessica glanced over at the lady as she gave her the meanest death glare in all of mankind. After everything was scanned and bagged, Jessica swiped her debit card as she paid for the groceries. After receiving the receipt, both Simon and Jessica thanked the cashier as they walked out of the store and into the frigid air with the cart as Simon insisted on requesting a Uber to head home.

"Are you getting the Uber or do you want me to get one?" She inquired.

"Already requested one which is coming in five minutes." He answered.

"Okay." Jessica intoned.

Meanwhile, Natalia arrived at the apartment complex as her Uber driver pulled up in front of the lobby. Opening the door, Natalia double checked to make sure she had everything as she thanked the driver and closed the door behind her, proceeding towards the entrance as the driver drove off. Walking inside the lobby, Natalia noticed a guy on the elevator holding the doors open for her as she stepped on.

"What floor are you heading to?" The guy asked.

"11th floor." She answered.

As the guy had pressed the button for the eleventh floor first, he also pressed the button for the eighth floor as the elevator doors had closed with the elevator moving through the floors.

"Thank you for holding the elevator open as I know some people wouldn't do that."

"If my mother and sisters ever found out that I didn't hold a door open for a woman, I would not hear the end of it."

"We wouldn't want that to happen, but I appreciate it." Natalia joked.

"I'm Evan." He introduced himself, flashing a warm smile at her.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Natalia." She greeted back, returning the smile.

After introducing themselves, both Evan and Natalia engaged into a conversation as she asked him what bought him to Seattle, which he told her that he moved to start a new life from his hometown on the East Coast in Virginia. Evan took his turn as he asked Natalia for her reason for coming to Seattle as she responded by explaining that she wanted a fresh change of scenery and also mentioned her job as a writer and editor much to Evan's interest into listening to her.

As the two of continued to get to know each other, Natalia noticed that the elevator had stopped onto the eleventh floor as the doors opened.

"Well, I should make my way to my apartment, but it was nice talking to you and I hope you have an amazing weekend." Natalia told him.

"Same here and I hope I see you around, but hope you have an amazing weekend as well."

With one last smile, Natalia stepped off the elevator as she walked down the hallway towards her apartment as the doors closed, leaving Evan to himself as he went downstairs to his apartment for the rest of the evening.

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