19: Back to the Park

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Izuku squirms in the car seat, shifting his legs left and right as he wiggles his toes. They aren't covered so they move freely, but he never thought that shoes could be so restrictingly tight. His feet can barely stretch the way they're supposed to.

"You doin' alright?" Katsuki asks, looking over for only a moment to see why there's so much movement in his peripheral. Izuku stills at the attention of his scuffling around.

"Y-yeah. I'm good..." Izuku mumbles, trailing off as he resists the urge to move again. Even the car felt small despite his body not occupying the whole middle of his passenger seat. Katsuki doesn't seem convinced by the way he hummed and kept throwing him glances, trying to gouge what was wrong.

"Is there not enough room for your legs?" Katsuki adds. "There's a button on the side of the seat that pushes it back."

While that wasn't what the problem was, Izuku perks up and lets Katsukis instructions wash over him, head ducking down between them to look for this 'button' but only sees the bright red one where his seat belt is latched into.

"Other side- no-" Izuku turns to where the window is, reaches a hand down and feels a button, pressing it down when katsuki says 'yup'. His seat reclines backwards, but the space where his legs were remains the same. Izuku stops, heart jumping when he hears a sigh from Katsuki and quickly looks for another button and pushes it in the first direction as his hand slides. His feet drag slowly backwards, momentarily curious about the movement, before stopping.

"Does Takeo have enough room back there? I can't tell..." Unsure, Izuku peeks an eye towards the car seat behind him to see that it wasn't being crushed. Yuna giggles at him, making Izuku throw her an apologetic smile before turning around and sinking as far back into the seat as he can.

Now he can't even see the road, it's reclined so far back. And his seatbelt is cutting his neck. If anything, he just made himself even more uncomfortable, but if he were to try and fix it now, it would probably just annoy Katsuki, and the last thing he wants is for the driver to get distracted by scolding his passenger.

I just want this car ride to be over with, Izuku groans to himself, reprimanding his shifty, wiggling self. Next to him, Katsuki lets out an amused chuckle, accompanied with a shake of the head.

"What's up with you, huh? You nervous or something?" He asks with a tone full of self satisfaction as he throws Izuku a look with a grin. Izuku pouts as he plants his hands down on the seat and tries to sit up as far as he can so the seatbelt wouldn't be cutting off his breathing at every stop and bump.

"I've never done this sort of stuff." Izuku says meekly, head turning to look out the window with a pout at his lips.

"Done what? Go to the park?" Katsuki questions but Izuku rolls his eyes. I live in one, dummy.

"No, I mean like riding cars and wearing shoes. Don't find a lot of those out and about." Izuku humors, laughing lightly. "You've done so many things for me in the course of just a few days that i've never even experienced in a lifetime. I mean, I got to sleep in a bed- twice- and eat three meals a day for several days in a row. Took showers, got a proper haircut and trim, and went to a doctor to discover I was allergic to avocados of all things." Katsuki snorts along with Izukus laughed scoff.

"It may seem like nothing to someone like you, but still... Thank you for all of it. Even the bad parts." Izuku says, voice low and sweetened as he looks down at his lap, fiddling with the shorts he's decided to wear for the day.

"Bad par- what bad parts?" Katsuki questions, loud and mildly confused (and offended, mind you, he's an excellent host), but a laugh bubbles out of Izuku.

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