3:Why they hit Rock Bottom

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Getting back to his mom was a lot harder than he originally thought and he understood why. Just because he wore a clean shirt and had a bag of actual edible groceries, didn't mean his appearance was exactly of comfort. For humans, at least.

He was probably assumed to be living in a poor home with living conditions of a cheap budget with how matted his fur was, shining bronze in the sun from dirt and pollen, and haircuts as professional as a kid wanting to play Hair Salon. Another possibility was abuse and with the way they looked at the scratches at his legs, arms, and face with hidden horror, it made sense. They would either walk away faster seeing his approach, or get too involved and ask about his well-being as a hybrid in someone's care.

The mention of getting the authorities involved made him want to get away as soon as possible since he did not want to deal with that again. He had a clean slate now and he wasn't going to mess it up for an actual misunderstanding rather than the lie they believed of being chased by a dog.

His own people, hybrids, taurs, mongrels, satyrs, and all others, didn't approach him for his smell, canine species especially (although, an actual dog would find his stench intriguing by the way they gave him a sniff as they walked on a leash by their owner). He could tell the way they would nose the air before their heads would fall in his direction before they would either sneeze or go elsewhere with a gag so intense their tongues curled out as if to get the taste out of it.

So, Izuku ended up wandering most of the time, going from person to person to ask for directions to whomever was willing while avoiding large roads so he wouldn't be spotted or recognized.

Izuku was exhausted by the time the sun hit mid-day, shining directly above his head like a beacon of fire and his paws left wet prints on the ground as his skin started to sweat. But, he was mostly hot on his legs, his blood practically simmering underneath it all since he couldn't sweat from the waist down. Things like these made him wish to be human, even though the thought of him being one was a foreign concept. He'd be so slow as a human! Especially kids with their stubby, short, adorable little legs!

"Excuse... me" Izuku huffed, face covered in sweat with the gray shirt stained in his fluids at his armpits and down the front of his chest. He brought a hand at his knees while the other acted as a fan while his ears fluttered to cool the little blood vessels there. God, I hate summers.

"Yes?" The person Izuku came to question, large bird talons shifting his direction as they stood. Izuku swallowed the little saliva he had in his mouth before getting back up to stand as well. He looked at the avian in the face, noticing metallic black baby feathers at the neck. The ones at her forearms grew in size and quantity from the wrist to the elbow. Her outfit was cute too, jean shorts that showed a little skin above the thigh before feathers covered the rest of the leg down to the enormous bird claws, and a pink short sleeve polo shirt to match the metallic pink and green that shone in the feathers.

Izuku was grateful for the woman getting the bad genes when it came to the sense of smell as an avion because he was sure that he smelled like absolute crap right about now. So, he gave her a smile, tired but very much expressing his current joy.

"Could I get directions to the Weather tower? My home is around there and I lost my ID." Izuku says sheepishly and the woman nods before she pulls out a device. It was similar to a phone, but it was specifically made for Hybrids like the both of them; It doesn't have any words or letters in comparison to a humans, so it also has very limited uses.

Izuku waits as she taps away before she's bringing it closer to her face to say "Mutsutafu Japan Weather Tower directions" before pulling it away again. She steps beside Izuku, him having to come back to stand instead of crouch so he could see the screen and watch the screen turn blank.

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