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What the absolute Quiznack? This is the episode transcript that I was reading through to know the basis of the dialogue for these episodes. This is what the dialogue says for this episode - "Red Paladin".

"Keith looks at him affectionately..."

What the fuck? Keith? Affectionately looking at Lance? *cough* in love *cough*. Someone tell the fandom that the transcript writers, who made these to tell about the episodes, is a Klance shipper.

The occupants of the castle were in the lounge. Coran and Keith were standing, with Keith at the far back wall. Hunk, Pidge, Lance and Allura were all sitting.

Lance wasn't exactly listening. She was studying Keith. His body language was tensed and he looked... scared?

Why? Why would he look scared. Was there a reason that Keith just stood there? Alone and angrily. Guarded. It didn't make sense. He agreed they needed a new Paladin but still resented the idea of-

That's right!

Coran had just stated that Keith had piloted the Black Lion once. Once when Shiro was in a lot of danger and needed to help him. Lance's eyes narrowed as Keith somehow tensed even further at the question.

"What did Shiro say to you? You clearly aren't comfortable with being put on the spot and talking about the Black Lion or the leader position, which means that Shiro spoke to you after you flew the Black Lion," Lance spoke.

It was so sudden that everybody jumped. Then Keith is quick to defend himself, misunderstanding Lance's question in the process and letting loose more information than necessary.

"I don't want to be the leader! That's just what Shiro wanted!" He quickly realised his mistake and looked away.

"What are you talking about?" Hunk questioned in shock, all eyes on Keith.

"Shiro wanted you to be his successor, didn't he?" Pidge quickly says after Hunk, having understood immediately.

Keith looks at Lance, who looked down thoughtfully. She seemed to be ignoring the chaos she caused and contemplating Keith's words. Keith however was more shocked Lance didn't want to be leader.

'She led before, Red. She's been a leader before and they won the war! She could be the leader!'

'Don't suggest it. Don't-'

Red is ignored as Keith suddenly pushes off the wall with his arms still crossed. "Lance, why don't you be leader? You've led before and you know how to!"

Lance quickly jumps up, but she can't get a word in when Hunk starts speaking.

"Now, now, hang on. I've called the head from the very beginning."

Pidge is quick to retort, "What about me? I'm the one who picked up on the radio waves that led us to Voltron in the first place!"

"Hold your gazurgas, everyone! It's not our decision to make! We must allow the Lion to decide," Coran acts as a mediator, easily speaking over the shouts from Pidge and Hunk.

"Coran is right. We must all present ourselves to the Black Lion, to see who will bear this glorious burden," Allura agrees, standing up as well.

"What? You, Princess?" Coran asked in shock.

"My father created Voltron. How can I allow others to risk their lives in battle, and not be prepared to do so myself?" I must try," reasoned Allura. It was a good reason.

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