1 - The City Of Savages.

Start from the beginning

"Has the jury reached a verdict?" he asked in a powerful voice that filled the courtroom.

"Yes, we have, your honor," responded the jury's foreman, a tall, middle-aged woman, a ring of authority in her voice. She passed the slip of paper to the bailiff who relayed it to the judge.

Judge O'Shea studied the paper, taking a breath before pronouncing, "In the case of Angelo De Laurentiis, on two counts under the RICO Act, including, but not limited to, murder... The jury finds the defendant... not guilty."

A shock wave ripped through the court. Audible gasps echoed around the room, then came a wild wave of chatter.

The once fearsome mob boss sighed deeply. His weathered hands rose, clutching at his silver tie as if attempting to catch the breath that was knocked out of him. He stared in disbelief, his watery eyes found my calm demeanor and a smile finally twitched at the corners of his mouth.

Beside him, I was beaming with satisfaction. I nodded my head, placing a reassuring hand on Angelo's arm. The case was not an easy one, but we won. In one of the biggest Mafia trials in history, I had acquitted Angelo De Laurentiis, head of the De Laurentiis crime family of the New York Five Families. Against the odds, against all expectations.

"Mr. De Laurentiis, congratulations," I said, extending my hand to him.

His hand shook mine as he smiled, a slight upturn of his mouth revealing years of mischief. "Well, I always believe in miracles, and in my lawyers, Ms. Monroe."

"Frank," I corrected.

"Frank," he repeated, taking his time as though tasting the name on his tongue. "A lawyer of your caliber, who wins a case everyone believed to be hopeless. I'm truly grateful."

The sound of my victory echoing in his words gave me a sense of satisfaction. The sound of being one of the 'miracles' he believed in sent a shiver down my spine. Yet, I tried to keep my facade calm and professional.

"Angelo," he suddenly corrected himself, "Call me Angelo."

I simply nodded and continued, "It was my job, Angelo. I'm glad you're acquitted."

Angelo grinned wider this time, his white teeth gleaming against his weathered complexion. He patted me on the back, like an old friend, before saying, "Frank, you're a humble woman, but you and I both know this was no small feat. Remember, if you ever need anything, anything at all... You give me a call, you hear?"

The offer held more weight than the entire courthouse. Not just a simple favor from a friend, but a vow from one of the most dangerous men in New York City. A cold thrill rushed down my spine as I nodded once more, taking in his words and understanding the magnitude they carried.

"You have my number, Frank," he said before finally stepping away, disappearing into the flock of journalists and well-wishers awaiting his comments outside the courthouse.


After another victory in court, I decided to celebrate my win with my team of paralegals and private investigators. We revelled in good food and a couple of drinks.

Time seamlessly slipped by, and without realizing, it was already past midnight. Seeing the late hour, I decided it was time to head home and rest after a long, exhausting day.

Quietly treading to Noah's bedroom, I gently turned the knob of his bedroom door, careful not to make any unnecessary noise that might wake him from sleep.

As I tiptoed in, I found him fast asleep, Layla snoozing in her rocking chair nearby. At that moment, relief washed over me as I knew he was safe and sound.

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