Marinette:And my oh My, you even made it to the local newspaper. You know a real news organization not like that Garbage blog your little pet Alya has, isn't that right girl?

*Marinette said with a smile turning around to see a frowning alya and nino on the other side of her*

Marinette:why don't you be a good little pet and return to your master, less a accident happen to you

Nino:is that a threat brah?

*Jason kept glaring at the group he had in front of him, was he concerned over Marinette? Of course he was, but still he knew even pregnant marinette could defend herself. Especially since he bought her a high end tazzer*


Jason;yes I used your credit card. Marinette didn't give me my own until a couple of week after I purchased it

*Jason said before Bruce could interrupt. Bruce grumpled wonder how many things did his family buy under his nose. He almost doesn't want to know*

Marinette:in my defense, it took time for the bank to send us those cards in the mail, anyway back to the story. And Bruce stop being a baby you are worth 100 billion, start spreading the wealth, who knows maybe you'll be able to walk through the eye of the needle

Back to the past

Marinette;that depends if any of you throw a punch at a pregnant woman. Now what's it gonna be?

Alya: please, you can stop pretending. Lila told us the truth, your not really pregnant

*Marinette had to roll her eyes, she motion them to move and they did joining the group of sheeps*

Marinette:yeah, seeing as Lila isn't the one who's going to the bathroom multiple times a night, nor is she the one who's going through the mood swings, or having hemorrhoids, or feet swellings, I'm gonna say she doesn't get to decide that I'm suddenly faking it.

*A car honked stopping next to Marinette and Jason, while they were talking Marinette just ordered them an Uber. Unlike them Marinette was not gonna fall to there level and just do the responsible thing. Walk away*

Mike:you Marinette?

Marinette:yes, we'll go inside in a minute thank you

*Marinette looked at the people who used to be her friends, after so long she doesn't even feel sad, not sadness nor anger, not any emotions really, just annoyance*

Marinette:Seriously this is the level all of you fell do? It's pathetic, before we leave all of you are grown ass adults that never went to University even though Lila over there promised you a free ride.

Alya:that was your fault! Your the one that destroyed our chances, the admissions department found my website because you gave it to them!

*Marinette just looked at Alya with the most unamused expression she's ever seen. Seriously this girl was Marinette's age and she's acting like a 13 year old. In reality Marinette didn't do a single thing, if alya could think for herself she would know that every university does a thorough background check*

Marinette:yeah, because I totally have to sway to do that being a nobody with a design blog. Seriously Alya, you think Lois Lane would ever work for you now?

*Alya flinched and scowled at marinette, working under Lois Lane was always her dream, but the girl ruined her chances years ago. And somehow that was Marinette's fault according to her*

Marinette:Remember that Alya? How she promised you a job with Lois Lane? How's that working out for you? Oh that's right it's not your working at a trash click bait website as a assistant. Not even a writer all you do is bring people coffee. Seriously, the only one here with a high paying job is Adrien and that's just because of his daddy's name, not because he's actually good

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