Emissaries of the Ossuary: A Tale of Twilight Realms

Start from the beginning

Together, they move with silent purpose through the forest, their figures shadows among the dappled light, until they come upon a small Viking fishing village. From the treeline, they observe, their gazes keen and calculating.

"These beings are known as humans," Kro remarks, his voice a low growl of contemplation. "In our world, they were considered the dominant species until the Sovereign of the Ossuary cleansed them from it. They may not have much bone in them, but they possess other strengths."

Kavrekk's gaze narrows as she studies the villagers, her head tilting in puzzlement. "But they seem very weak and soft. How could creatures like these control anything?" she questions, her voice tinged with a mixture of disdain and genuine wonder.

Kro considers his sister's bewilderment and nods, his voice carrying a hint of grudging respect. "Apparently, their wills are what keep them from dying off. That, and pure luck. They evolved to use tools faster than anything else. They normally rose through the food chain by poking everything with sharp sticks."

Kavrekk ponders this, her hand instinctively reaching for the weapon at her side—a massive cleaver. its blade an extension of their god-given might. "I see, we also use tools to aid us. Does that mean they are equal to us?"

Kro's quiet laugh is a dark rumble in the stillness of the forest. He places a reassuring hand on Kavrekk's shoulder. "These humans are far below us. I've seen more stones that stand a chance against us than them."

Kavrekk smirks at the thought, her gaze lingering on the blade in her hand. "So, no weapons, huh?" she muses, half-questioning, half-stating.

Her brother gives a firm nod in agreement. In this new land, they would be the predators, and their quarry would soon learn the fear of the Sovereign of the Ossuary. With no need for weapons, they would be the harbingers of a mightier force, one that the humans could not hope to withstand with mere sticks and stones. The village, alive with the mundane toil of existence, stands on the precipice of a dark revelation.

The twins stand there, concealed in the shadows, contemplating their next move. In their eyes flicker the flames of a dark purpose, and in their hearts, the unyielding resolve to spread the chilling gospel of the Sovereign of the Ossuary. The village before them, bustling with life, remains oblivious to the impending storm that these emissaries of bone and shadow are about to bring down upon them.

Kro's attention shifts to the distant sea, drawn by the rhythmic pounding of drums that cut through the seaside air. Kavrekk, noting her brother's focus, turns to witness the approach of three longships, their sails billowing like the chests of mighty warriors, coming into the port of the unsuspecting village.

The once tranquil village descends into chaos, the air now thick with panic as the villagers scramble in a desperate bid to escape or defend their homes. Kavrekk's eyes narrow in curiosity. "I wonder why they are running as if they are in fear."

Kro shrugs, his gaze analytical. "It's possible those ships carry invaders, intent on claiming the village for themselves. But their purpose is unclear. The warriors aboard are clearly more armed and armored than any villager here."

Kavrekk considers the scene, their head tilting as they ponder their next move. "Brother, do you wish to intervene and destroy them all?" the question is posed with a sense of strategic calculation rather than bloodlust.

For a moment, Kro remains silent, watching as the ships draw nearer, the warriors aboard ready for conquest. This was an unexpected variable, yet it presented an opportunity—a chance to demonstrate the might of the Sovereign of the Ossuary and to instill his name through an act of undeniable power.

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