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‘Woohoo’, ‘Yayyyy’ and other praises were being hurled along with a round of applause by the spectators sitting in the ‘Rouge bar’. The bar was very famous for its amazing drinks and snacks and the majority of the people from the City of Mistakes and The City of Tomorrow visit almost every night to chill and hang out with their friends. It was the most popular and crowded bar in the area and what made it even more popular was the fact that they had introduced a little entertainment show for their customers every night. The waitress after serving the drinks went up to the stage in the middle of the room and performed some magic tricks to entertain the crowd. The entertainer was herself a sight to behold. She was an elf, but a very gorgeous elf thus the men in the crowd liked to visit especially because of her.

The beautiful elf girl had long, and flowing hair, auburn locks cascading down her back. Her silky, smooth hair perfectly frames her delicate face, enhancing her features even more. She had a slender and graceful figure, she had very fair skin and rosy cheeks. All in all, she was a sight to behold and the men came to the bar and praised her for her beauty rather than her magic. The bar owner knew this and that is why he always instructed her to be the center of attention, as most of his customers were because of her.

The round of applause happened when the old man climbed up on the stage and announced “Now comes the time you have been all waiting for, our very own favorite, Tinsel will now perform some magic tricks for you”. The crowd always went crazy when it was her time to perform. Tinsel walked up on the stage with extreme poise and grace that men could not help getting crazy for her. She went and stood in the middle of the stage, flashing a nervous smile to the crowd, too shy to say anything. Although she has been doing this twice a week for a couple of weeks, she still has not overcome her shyness on stage.

She closed her eyes and extended her palm in front of her, everyone’s attention was on her, especially the men in the crowd, however, they were more interested in gawking at her hot figure that was purposely clad in fitted clothes by the owner of the bar. A flame appeared in her hands and the crowd started cheering and clapping. After two to three more small tricks, like making a glass nearby fall over with telekinesis, she was free to go, receiving a huge round of applause from the people and hefty amounts of tips, especially from the men. 

Most of the crowd goes back to their homes after her show, and this week she had the duty to close off the bar after every customer had left. As she sat down at the table near the end, waiting for the remaining few people to leave, she started counting her tips for the day. In the middle of counting the bills and coins, she was interrupted by her boss, the owner of the bar, ‘Mr. Jenkins’.  

‘You alright, sweetheart?’ he asked, coming to sit opposite her, although he was a greedy man, he was nice to his workers especially Tinsel as she had made his almost dead bar run again and make it on the busiest bar in the outskirts of the City of Tomorrow. She smiled up at him and nodded her head, her elf ears locking her auburn dread in place. 

‘I have a request for you, I know it is your day off tomorrow but some very important guests are coming in tomorrow night and I want my best worker to serve and entertain them.’ He said smiling hopefully at Tinsel.

Tinsel thought about it for a moment as she had promised her little sister that she would visit her tomorrow and bring her some toys to play with, but at the same time making a little extra money would only help her and her family to survive better, so she reluctantly nodded her head at Mr. Jenkins and asked him ‘But who is coming here tomorrow?’. Jenkins signed out of relief at Tinsel agreeing to work extra nights and told her that a very famous group of hunters would be coming here. ‘The shadow stalkers, you might have heard about them. Well they have done a lot of projects for me and apparently, they are now leaving on some mysterious quest to the forest of the Giants and I wanted to throw them a little party before they leave.’

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