19. The World Finds Out

Start from the beginning

The Fallen meanwhile stood up cursing the human race to the pits and back. He had never been this humiliated before and that too by a mere organic thing. He snarled as he grabbed the closest soldier and threw him after the racing car ordering them to go after the two. The Fallen watched as his soldiers rushed after the disappearing yellow scout, his anger simmering. He had to admit he was taken by shock because of what happened a moment ago. He tilted his head remembering Quintess talking about making organics more long lived and wondered if this was the result of his experiments.

Fallen, "My brothers are still being a nuisance, even after death. No matter, I shall prevail."

Fallen transformed into his Cybertronian flight mode, 'But I will have to rethink my previous strategy of killing the young Prime. I was not expecting this change.'

Fallen, "Soldiers to me! We are heading to sector six, gamma, vector, nine."

Soldiers, "Yes Prime!"

Optimus meanwhile reached Bumblebee, "Bumblebee, are you alright?"

Bumblebee, "I am fine, though Sam has not stopped coughing blood."

Ratchet, "He has what? What do you mean blood? Where are you? Is he alive?"

William got out of Elita's cab, "Oh shit! So, this is what Miles meant."

Rob snorted, "You have no right to comment on this Will. You are just as bad."

William, "I am not."

Elita vented, "You are William, you are."

William, "You are supposed to be on my side."

Elita, "I am on your health's side."

Ratchet, "Let me see him."

Bumblebee slowly transformed, "I do not know what to do to stop the internal bleeding."

Ironhide, "Unlucky child! What did you do to yourself?"

Sam smiled exhausted after he stopped throwing up, "I will survive, do not worry."

Optimus's engine rumbled feeling annoyed, "That just worried us more youngling. Just because you will survive does not mean we enjoy seeing you hurt."

Sam, "Well I stopped coughing. I will heal, the Allspark will make sure of it."

Ratchet vented, "That may be so but the Allspark is not meant for organics you said so yourself."

Sam, "Sparky wants to survive too, so they make sure I am alright."

Optimus, "All the same. Please Sam for the sake of my spark and my brother."

Sam looked at Optimus then nodded feeling like a scolded child, pouting a little bit. Sam then figured almost, all of humanity was no doubt seen as young children by most of the Cybertronians. So, he supposed it was normal to feel like a child if you were scolded by one of them. Ratchet made sure he was alright and during the check up Jazz, Miles and the others showed up. Raon, Hong and Ohn instantly started to fuss over Sam after realising what no doubt happened. Miles called Optimus aside and showed him the latest news that was going around the world. Fallen had just introduced them as real and existing aliens to the entire world.

Optimus, "Oh dear!"

Miles, "Understatement!"

Bumblebee, "What now?"

Jazz, "Media control."

Sam, "Optimus, you should go. I will call Uncle Edmund and Cogman to prepare PR for you."

Raon, "I already did. Rest you silly human."

Cogman, :I will deal with this little spark. Watch out for your human Sire, okay?:

Raon, "Yes."

Edmund sighed, "Well, we knew this would happen at one point."

Cogman nodded, "Indeed, shall we contact the international news channels, sir?"

Edmund, "Yes, go do that. Claude, prepare my best suit. We have a very important crowd control mission coming up."

Claude a dark haired butler answered, "Of course sir."

Edmund, "And call Vivian while at it, she is very smart and good at getting the crowd to react positively."

Claude, "Of course sir. What about Hot Rod and the others?"

Edmund, "Inform them about what is happening but remind them they are neutrals. So, if they wish to not get involved it is fine too."

Claude nodded and went to inform Hot Rod about what was happening and what Edmund had said. The young Captain was happy to learn they would not have to get involved if they did not want to. Ultra Magnus his second was worried about Optimus and Megatron, the latter still had not contacted him. Hot Rod felt for his Conjunx, if one of his siblings went quiet all of a sudden he would be worried sick. Hot Rod gave him permission to join Optimus, he would be heading to the PR point with young Vivian, she is his charge. Magnus gave him a relieved smile, he would not be dealing with this alone.

Optimus, "Cogman just contacted me, he is calling a few international news channels to interview us."

Sam, "That's Cogman for you. Now, you do not have an excuse to hover."

Optimus, "Excuse me for worrying."

Sam, "I am not saying it is a bad thing, Optimus. In fact, it makes me happy you care. But you are also a leader and you need to represent your people to the inhabitants of planet Earth."

Soundwave found them, "Update: Megatron met Fallen again. Currently engaged in a fight."

Sam, "He is what? Where?"

Soundwave, "Africa, Egypt. Location of the sun harvestor."

Sam, "Sorry? Location of the what?"

Optimus, "Are you sure, Soundwave?"

Soundwave nodded, "Megatron sent location: Requesting help."

Sam, "Allspark says Egypt is where the Matrix was buried."

Miles, "Sam no."

Sam, "I have to go."

Daniel, "What is this Matrix? Don't worry we calmed everyone down and the highway is back to normal."

William nodded, "Good job and good question."

Sam, "It is probably the only thing that could stop the Fallen."

Optimus, "Let's go then. Though I had hoped you would go to a safe place instead of a war zone."

Sam, "If he activated the Sun harvestor then we would lose the Sun and Earth would die."

William became alarmed, "Well then what are we waiting for. Everyone get onboard and let's go to Egypt."

Bumblebee stared at Sam then at Optimus, :I am worried.:

Optimus nodded, :You fear for his life. I understand the feeling but I get the feeling he would sneak in after us.:

Bumblebee, :Yes, and on top of that the Sparkling's reactions. Sam is going to do something stupid.:

Optimus, :Then as his adopted parents it is up to us to protect him.:

Bumblebee, :Agreed!:

(To be continued..
Hope you all are doing well.
Till next time my lovely readers.)

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