"So you found me attractive?" He muses, half-hearted as he strokes my cheek with the pad of his thumb. When had his hands become so smooth? I remember how calloused they used to be, that it almost startled me when I was used to such a soft touch. "I didn't really think about it, though I did enjoy that you sought me out for warmth. My reputation was terrible, I wasn't someone that anyone found comfort in, in that regard."

"I'm sure the trail of panties you left in your wake would disagree," I grumble, flushing at the comment as soon as it left my lips. I'd succeeded in making him chuckle as I kissed his palm apologetically. 

We pull out of the lot and I collect his hand into mine, holding it in my lap. Should I bring up the morgue again? Should I ask to see his book?

"You and I both seem to understand some people don't require much to engage in sexual warfare." He challenges, making me grit my teeth with just how fast the car accelerated down the street. If I was going to make him a new vehicle, it would have to be something that could stand up to this beating. "We're going to head to a tavern near here, it'll be a good place to get you some breakfast while we wait for Tomas and Rowan to come meet us. "

So he'd already stepped ahead of me, he wanted to go forward with sending me back and taking Rowan to figure this out?

I'd accepted it, I was actually alright with it, but hearing it out loud made my breath hitch.

"Please don't cry, love." His voice brings me out of the free fall into the depths of my own darkness. What if he didn't come back?

Wiping at my eyes quickly, I confirm that my hands are dry and take a sharp breath. I was a King, not a child, not a damsel in distress. "No, I'm alright. I-" Swallowing, I lean back into the seat as I stare up towards the dark roof of the quick-moving car. It was easier than watching the road than thinking about careening down the highway. 

"This ride doesn't end. I'm mourning that, your retirement, our quiet life together... If I want this-" Placing my hand over my stomach once more, it feels cruel to compare the two, but I had to be realistic. "If I want to do this, then I have to acknowledge it's not just me anymore. It's different, the boys would manage just fine if not becoming a whole new level of spoiled.. but this baby.." 

Until it was out of me, I had to protect it, and even beyond that I felt a sense of urgency to protect this life. The speed of the car, the reality of our situation, everything felt like a weight trying to shift the scale out of my favor. If I wanted to shift it back, I had to make a change and that was going to where I could be safe. "Besides, we need someone to run our household if you're going to be gallivanting around."

"Gallivanting, hmm?" he questions, cocking an eyebrow at me. 

"Yes. Mmm." I retort, imitating his normal sound of thoughtful consideration. "If you're going to make an honest woman out of me, I might as well play the part. The children won't survive long in our kingdom if they keep acting as they are, gods, I thought that Xaiver would meet his death with that last outburst." The thought makes me clutch his hand, and I peer at him once more, examining his expression which he'd opted to hide from me with his calculated warlord stillness. 

"Would you ever... hit.. our children?"

Verando considers this, squeezing the steering wheel as he tongues his cheek in mild annoyance. "Do you think that I would?"

"Yes." The tone is hard, without emotion, I had to be honest. 

"Fair." He accepts, squaring his shoulders while this thumb carefully brushes over my knuckles. "I think there's a time where I might have, I was no stranger to the lash when I was a child. My mother never raised a hand to me, but my father obviously did. Do you remember our time with Naptalion? When I explained to you about how we interrogated men in the Mafia?"

Ascension - Book Eight - Man x ManWhere stories live. Discover now