Chapter 13

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Fernan's POV 

We just returned from the meeting with Mr. Luxe, I look at my son who was sleeping comfortably in the car seat. I haven't seen him slept like that in years, he is mumbling nor is he screaming he doesn't even look remotely uncomfortable.

It's enviable… that man is what my son needs.

He has what I can't give, peace. I'm going to have to let him go to another for them to protect him, but I don't want to. 

Holding my son in my arms I kissed his white temple, he is my child. He is so light weightless he use to be so heavy even when he was just a toddler, he is so thin he use to be a bit chubby. I'm a failure as a parent. 

Even after everything we still can't return his bright smile, his reckless laughter his stubborn ways. He use to have many things to stay a real chatterbox but now he is silent as if he is not there as if he is just existing.

He feels at fault but it's not, I want to help him but I guess I have to accept it now, I cannot. 

I will have to leave him to another and hope that he treasures him just I do because if there is another tragedy, I may not have a son anymore. 

I look at my boy who is sleeping peacefully on the bed, I remember earlier today. His attachment to the pheromones his comfort to the man, his face express as if finally he feels safe. There was glimpse of the person my son was and it all because of a stranger, I want my son to heal. I want him back to his old self his happy cheerful self and not this person who is existing.

So please Keith, be happy…

Keith's POV 

After three months, the arrangements have been made and though there were clear hesitance and unspoken objections. I was finally married, there was no wedding ceremonies I couldn't handle that even if it were private. So I sign the official papers and now I have a ring on my finger, Mr. Luxe was now driving me to his home which made my house looks tiny compared to his.

I started fiddling with my fingers, I was nervous. Soon I feel an hand on my thigh and I look over to see him.

"There is no need to panic, all of this is yours now," 

I shake my head, it wasn't mine. I can't be I can't afford this! He doesn't smile much but I feel there might be some humor here. 

After parking in front the door we came out and walks up to me, "there is no need to wear your mask all employees containing pheromones have been transferred also there are less people so you can be comfortable." 

I look at him, he really took my condition under consideration, my face feels hot. 

We soon enter inside was super nervous, he barely looks at and said. "Since you may not be comfortable how about the first month we sleep separately? But after that we are going to sleep in the same room," 

My face heated, well he is my husband now and we are married. So of course we are gonna sleep together, in fact we are gonna have to do… for more than that.

My heart was racing, but it doesn't hurt my face feels very hot. What's this feeling? 

"Um… no need to…" muttered,

Soon those piercing eyes stares at me.

"I… don't mind sleeping tonight," I said.

In the end his pheromones, I really like them.

"Very well then, Bertram, go carry his luggage to the master bedroom." He orders.

I didn't even notice the elderly man that was there, I hold my face down not wanting to make eye contact. Soon Mr. Luxe hold me at my waist guiding me further inside to see around six people in a line, "these are the servants, that's Ray our  he maintains the garden  the maids responsible are Shelly, Zoe and Fran for keeping the house, Francis he is responsible for checking packages and deliveries and lastly our housekeeper Mrs. Ross." 

"Greetings young master Luxe," They all said to me.

I felt a fluttering sensation in my stomach that made my face hot, they address me as Luxe. 

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