Chapter 8

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Kurth's POV 

I grab the kid and slam him into the wall hooking my elbow at his throat.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I growled protectively.

We were outside the hospital room, after all I couldn't risk my pheromones hurting Pip. 

"Let me go!" He growls back at me. 

He tries struggling to break loose but I flung him to groan disarming him, I had year's worth of cadet training in college and high-school. Dealing with pissy teenage alphas is child's play for me. 

"Why are you here kid?!"

"I want answers, what he did to MacKenzie!" He slowly stopped struggling as tears filled his eyes, "why would he do that?! MacKenzie! I don't understand! No one is making any sense!" He said frustrated.

I ease a bit unclenching the fist I had over his head I feel pity for the kid, after all they were his friends too. After he calm down we went down by the bench as I bought two sodas from the vending machine, I threw him one as he looks down depressed. I pull mine taking a drink before looking at him once more.

"Kid, if I'm being honest with none of us knows what truly went down that day," 

He looks up at me with a strange look, "then why are MacKenzie's parents saying Keith raped him? Why is MacKenzie so terrified at the word Keith?! I don't want to believe it but–" 

"Tell me something kid, did the person you saw today seems like one committed a crime," 

"I don't know the world is strange like that," he spat.

Stubborn kid, "Listen as said before, no one knows what happened but all we know is that two kids were extremely scarred since it happened, Pip is barely a functioning being at this point and you coming here and triggering everytime is not gonna work. So I'm gonna say this to you kid, don't come back here your friends are gone it's just you. Finding answers won't help you in anything ut won't bring your friends back together. It's over go home there is nothing left," 

He looks at me in silence for a moment, then he looks down he puts the soda can down then walks down the hall leaving. I didn't want to break his heart but this is for the better of Pip, after all he is about to live a new life and we don't need these attachments. It may be cruel but it's for the best our parents is almost done with the arrangements and Pip will no longer be here, it's for the best that alpha gives up on the ties he had before, because the Pip he knew is gone. 

And I know that Pip will probably never come back, my baby brother will never be the same again and there is nothing I can do about it.

Pip, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you that's what big brothers are supposed to do. We are supposed to protect you and guide but I failed you now you're in pain and I can't even soothe it.

Keith's POV 

I'm tired, I'm tired of being in pain, I'm tired feeling like this, I'm tired being like this. Why can't it go back to the way it was before? 

I'm so tired, I wish I could just… just die. I want to die, I want to die, I want to die, I want to die.

Everytime I seem to get better I get worse! I'm a disgusting failure, a monster, I did heinous things I want to die! Let me die! Death is only punishment for a heinous and disgusting pig like me. 

I'm just so tired of leading the same ife for the past 5 months, my stomach even looks weird why does it look like that?! Why?! Am I finally dying? But the doctors didn't mention anything about it could it be belly fat?! But I'm not eating much!! What is going on?! Why is there a bloat in my stomach?!

I don't understand anything!! 

Dazed I open the and once again the chaotic and disgusting smells of pheromones everywhere, maybe if I smell enough I can finally die. Yes, so with the drip I walk into the hall as pheromones engulf me. Everything was making me dizzy, I'm dying. I'm in pain. My body,  heart and soul seems as if it's being ripped apart in a million pieces.

I stop unable to go further the pain was too much, but again out of nowhere that smell. By the seaside during the sunset, I can smell it. I mustered the little strength I had going I need to reach it, who did that smell belong to I want it.

Soon down hall in the crowd it, I saw him. The one whom the smell belongs to, the safety, the security. His back was turned it was clear that he was an adult Alpha I don't care. The pheromones, I want them. Please! Stop! Turn around! Look. At. Me.

I stopped unable to go any further, the pain in my stomach was unable I was starting to fall at my knees giving up. 

"Urgh!" I groan in pain.

But for a split second the make slowly, giving me a glimpse of the abyss. 

But that abyss was cut short by a nurse blocking my view.

"Mr. Alexis Oh my gosh!" 

It now when look down, I realized that I was bleeding…

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