Chapter 3

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Mature content warning ⚠️; rape and unconsented scenes ahead!

In the air the smell of alpha and omega collide, MacKenzie was on hedge but I didn't let go off his hand, in truth I didn't expect this much I was expecting around ten people but it's about twenty people. 

Derek was in corner by himself, drinking what appears to be alcohol. Derek is very handsome standing out even amongst the crowd, he had luscious brown silky-smooth hair and with the bangs brushes his face makes him looks irresistible, even MacKenzie who was hesitant seems to be allured by him who wouldn't? His aura excludes dominance with his thick chest and abs not mention his glowing predatory eyes that could make anyone yield before him.

"Derek!" I wave at him.

He looks in my direction and smiles at me, he calls me over with his finger. MacKenzie and I both happily follow over and sit in the sofa next to him.

"Welcome you must MacKenzie, Keith told me about you," he said.

"Really? What exactly did he say?" MacKenzie said bashfully.

I'm starting to feeling jealous why is MacKenzie being so bashful! I know Derek is sexy but geeze now I'm gonna have to worry about Derek too!

"A lot actually, but that's between us two, right Keith?" 

"Derek! Quit flirting with him I'm right here you know?!" I complain.

"Aw, Keith is jealous? There is no need to be," he ruffles my head.

I sigh forgiving him for his rudeness soon he raises from the seat, "why not go enjoy yourself for a while, after all later we all gonna enjoy a show." He smiles.

"You seems to have something special planned," I said.

"Indeed but it won't be a surprise if I tell you now right?" Derek said smiling. 

I was excited after Derek's surprises are the best, I soon grab MacKenzie hand he looks at me as if reluctantly to leave. But I still pull him he sighs following me.

"First let's go with the bike race," 

"Oh okay," MacKenzie said nodding.

Soon MacKenzie and I begins to have fun, playing games and dancing with everyone. At one point I see Derek whispering to someone making me curious about what's planned later but soon my attention was caught by an excited MacKenzie. It wasn't until later someone pointed us go calling us to a room saying it was from Derek, I was feeling a bit dizzy which was weird there wasn't any alcohol in what I was drinking. 

MacKenzie too was looking dizzy his head was bobbing as if was sleepy, in this room my stomach churns at the smell traveling in the air, pheromones; Alphas pheromones.

It was suffocating, I looking at MacKenzie who's face turning red. Feeling the situation dangerous I ran to the door grabbing MacKenzie but the door couldn't open, it's locked. MacKenzie soon collapses to the floor huffing. 


"Keith… I don't feel so good," he whimpers.

"Keith… clearly he needs your help," 

I look over to see Derek in the corner swirling the drink in his hand wearing a sinister smile.

"Derek what's the meaning of this?!" 

"Don't you know this is your chance, you can make him your omega!" Derek said

"No! Not like this!" 

"No?" Derek frowns, "After going through much trouble?" 

Derek soon throws the cup on the floor and raises his hand, "grab him".


Derek pause for a moment before laughing so did the others, I was scared but I can't let them touch MacKenzie!

Soon Derek walks to me as I punch after him he dodge then hit me in my back I soon fell down then he grabs between my arms raising me up, "strip him," he orders.


I struggle and kick after them but Derek drags me away as they grab MacKenzie, who begins to struggle. 


They soon wripped his clothes apart putting him on the table, he struggles and screams as they spread his legs. I was terrified. Please, please don't let them hurt him!

"You two come pull his pants," Derek orders

"W-what?" I stutter

"Don't you know? I'll gonna make you into a man," he grins.

"No! No! No! Let me go!!" 

I try struggling but soon they drag my pants off, seeing as I was struggling too much. Derek releases his pheromones, as something holding me down my legs trembles and I become weak soon he grabs me below raising me up. 

"Don't worry, Keith you'll feel good soon," 

"No, no,please Derek, no, don't let me do this," 

"Keith, no, Keith, don't do this please" MacKenzie begs with tears running down his eyes. 


Soon Derek use me my thing and force it into MacKenzie.

"Keith! It–it hurts Keith, it hurts," MacKenzie cries. Not long after I feel some inject inside me.

Feeling a rush in my body it feels as if something takes over and I begin to move on my own. 

"Keith! Keith! Stop! Stop Keith!" 


We were both crying and pleading, not long after I came and fall back pulling out. MacKenzie looks as tired as I was, I could still smell the strong scent of pheromones in the air, overwhelming. If this was what it meant to be an alpha I  don't want to be an alpha.

"I know you boys are hard from watching that, I know I am. Go on and take your turn." 

"N-no, don't do it!" I was ready to raise but Derek grab my shoulder.

"You've had your turn," Derek grins.

I felt helpless, Alphas are supposed to be strong and protect omegas! Not this, not this!

I watch as all of them brutally rape MacKenzie and unable to look anymore I closes my eyes feeling everything inside me shattering. 

"I feel left out, phew. I'm really hard right now. Hey can do something for me Keith?" 

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